Hi - I moved a subdirectory from one of my working directories to a temporary directory - now when I try to move it back I'm told:-
"Destination Folder Access denied" "You need to provide administrator permission to move this folder"
Some questions - how do I sort this out, what happened because as far as I know I am the administrator and am logged in as such. How do I check whose
the administrator and give the necessary permission?
I have similar problems with Vista and as its my machine at home would like to remove all the administrator bo$$ocks.
I think waht I'm after is total admin rights. How too??
I did solve the problem by copying the folder across to a USB drive then copying it back to where I wanted it but that's a serious mission when the directory is about 27 GB.
Most likely one of 2 things, you are accessing a user folder with restricted permissions i.e. user only, in which case you will either need to add the
specific user required to the access list or take ownership
Or more likely it's just the UAC being a pain, you can switch it off either like this
Run MSconfig
go to the tools tab and click disable UAC
Restart the PC and try again
Or alternatively try this
Run gpEdit.msc
Go to: Computer Configuration | Windows Settings | Security Settings | Local Policies | Security Options
User Account Control: Run all users including Administrators as standard users - Disable
User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt - No Prompt
Log Off and log back on once you've set that
NB: please read up on these options before carrying out and make sure you understand what they do
yep its just the UAC being an ass, this one of the only things that irritates me about Vista. Everytime you want to remove a program etc you need to
turn it off. And if you have it off it constantly bugs you to turn it back on.
You can also acess UAC in the user menu within the control panel of that helps
The ultimate solution......F-DISK satans OS to hell....then install XP!!!
Originally posted by tegwin
The ultimate solution......F-DISK satans OS to hell....then install XP!!!
quote:Damn...thats too easy, keep it difficult, my wages depend on it
You can also acess UAC in the user menu within the control panel of that helps
I've managed to set up a full Administrator user on my machine. It's a bit of a pain to do it and I can't remember how (look it up on Google) but I now have FULL administrator rights when logged in as that user.