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"U" Trim for my edges
ewan - 14/9/07 at 08:29 AM

I've been looking on the internet for U shape trim for my car.

What I'm looking for is bright red and smooth; the trim I've seen has no metal in the middle.

I've bought some red stuff from Woolies but it's a dull red and has a herringbone finish.

You can't have a black car with dull red trim.

worX - 14/9/07 at 08:34 AM

HI Ewan,

you could try giving these guys a call - they are normal coachtrimmers not kitcar specialists but they may still have what you want and are good to deal with and obviously deliver.

ask for Josh...


ewan - 14/9/07 at 09:02 AM

thanks Steve,

No luck, they don't have and gave me another number but again no luck.

iank - 14/9/07 at 09:13 AM

You can get bright red (but still herringbone unfortunately) from chandlers.


Might be a stall at Donnington with it...?

worX - 14/9/07 at 09:21 AM

I will look at donnington for you Ewan.

U2U me your number and I'll text you if I find any!
