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Slater - 20/2/08 at 12:13 PM

Hi, I've made some progress. It's looking the colour I intended anyway! None of the panels are fixed yet, just placed on. Very pleased with it so far, although I've made a few mistakes (cutting the side panels at the front edge too far back where it meets the nose cone, only by 1/2". It's difficult being so far away from other MAC#1's to look at, I must go and see Ewan's soon to see how he's getting on.

some body work trial fitted
some body work trial fitted

[Edited on 20/2/08 by Slater]

Dangle_kt - 20/2/08 at 12:15 PM

You could do an awesome BEC converstion using the mighty power plant in that there trike!

Nice work mate.

Mr Whippy - 20/2/08 at 12:16 PM

You'll be glad when it's finished and you can stop using that trike

Mr Whippy - 20/2/08 at 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
You could do an awesome BEC converstion using the mighty power plant in that there trike!

Nice work mate.

bah beaten to it

ash_hammond - 20/2/08 at 01:21 PM

Lookin' Good - Keep up the good work.

bigrich - 20/2/08 at 10:05 PM

looking good Keith, will the nose slide rearwards any more to hide the mistake.
Piccy of mine so you can compare,adjust if poss

Slater - 20/2/08 at 10:32 PM

Thank for the pic Rich, very helpfull. Yep the nose cone will be going as far back as possible to minimise the gap. I guess thats an advantage of the dark British Racing Green colour - its dark and hides any gaps better that a bright colour. I'll still know it's there though

bigrich - 20/2/08 at 10:47 PM

you could add an edging strip to the side panel to reduce the gap a little more if its still noticeable
I'm sure its not that noticeable, you tend to be your own worst critic and other people don't see the "mistakes"


ewan - 22/2/08 at 08:03 AM

Looking really good Keith and yes i did exactly the same and cut the side panels 1/2" short.

I've got Gary from Fraserburgh coming over on Sunday to show me what to do with the electrical side of things, if you want to come over you are more than welcome.

I think that Mac 1 should move the company to Aberdeen, this would help in the build process as we could pop in and have a look, the same as Darren does every 3 weeks....!

Just an idea, might see you on Sunday.