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anyone use the DASH2 Display Unit?
franky - 21/7/09 at 08:25 AM

This unit....

I was going to go for a comprehensive array of dials as it would remind me of my dolomite sprint that I had when I was 17!

Anyone using a dash2 system? feedback etc?

maximill666 - 21/7/09 at 08:48 AM

I was going to buy a dash2 as race-technology had an offer on a few months ago for dash2's with slightly older firmware for £450, the only reason I didnt get one was due to being told they are a bit of a nightmare to setup

I bought a ETB digidash 2 instead

Steve Hignett - 21/7/09 at 09:08 AM

Check it out here - The guy on youtube kinda knows his stuff too (I think) - Only met him once at a TD at Anglesey and seemed alright...

imp paul - 21/7/09 at 09:08 AM

i have 1 but not fitted it at moment its a very well made bit of kit

iank - 21/7/09 at 10:13 AM

Think flak monkey has one of those in his car.

alfasudsprint - 21/7/09 at 01:37 PM

I have one unused with a couple of sensors for sale...

franky - 21/7/09 at 02:13 PM

u2u sent.