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making a claim with Adrian Flux?
buncefm - 27/12/09 at 09:18 AM

wife had a bump yesterday on the ice, hit a parked car. how do i go about a claim? never done it before.
has anyone dealt with Adrian Flux before? are they helpful?

designer - 27/12/09 at 09:20 AM

Just contact the insuramce company and they will send you the relevant forms.

buncefm - 27/12/09 at 09:25 AM

how does it then work? do the cars involved then have to be inspected?

mangogrooveworkshop - 27/12/09 at 09:56 AM

Phone them and papers will be sent for you to fill out

they will come and collect the car or ask you to take it to a repairer who will give it the once over and give you a date for the repair to take place (this assumes the car is still ok to drive)

buncefm - 27/12/09 at 10:03 AM


indykid - 27/12/09 at 11:54 AM

how big a bump?
how old are you?
are the people she hit nice reasonable types?

if the damage is minimal and would be sub £6-700 to settle, it's probably worth trying not to involve insurers. i'm still paying increased premiums from an accident in late 2005.

i'm 24 and would probably say anything up to £1250-1500 was worth trying to settle in cash in my case but i have the indy and an mx5 to insure so my DD premium's hefty to start with. excess is £500 on either of my policies

buncefm - 27/12/09 at 12:31 PM

she's 30 the damage only seems to be the back bumper marked and dented. it was a below ten mph bump.

scootz - 27/12/09 at 05:09 PM

Get the bumper off and inspect behind it before accepting any cash from the other party (if you do go down that route).

Will turn into a real mess if the guy coughs up for a new bumper THEN you find there's chassis damage behind it.