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where are we all going
ali f27 - 11/4/10 at 08:50 AM

Hi where are we all going today chaps

big_wasa - 11/4/10 at 08:51 AM

in the garage

Jasongray5 - 11/4/10 at 08:52 AM

Mini moto racing!!!

MakeEverything - 11/4/10 at 08:54 AM

Nowhere, im babysitting, and dont even have my engine adapter plates to play with!

Paul TigerB6 - 11/4/10 at 08:57 AM

Mountain biking this morning and then Manchester MEN Arena for the WWE Wrestling this evening.

Taking my nephew - thats the only reason i'm going......honest!!

franky - 11/4/10 at 09:01 AM

Got a 10 day old baby So getting dribbled on then when she sleeps to the garage!

40inches - 11/4/10 at 09:08 AM

In garden till 12 then garage for 6hrs

j3w3ll3r - 11/4/10 at 09:18 AM

To work while my westys co owner goes blatting round the Essex countryside

madrallysport - 11/4/10 at 09:23 AM

Garage, but to replace front wheel bearing on ma van,

then hopefully a bit to the kit

[Edited on 11/4/10 by madrallysport]

JoelP - 11/4/10 at 09:30 AM

boating and swimming!

DRC INDY 7 - 11/4/10 at 09:31 AM

Should be going out for a run in the kit :

Guinness - 11/4/10 at 09:46 AM


Got an MOT booked in the morning. Needs seats, seatbelts, engine, clutch, rad, oil cooler, engine electrics all putting back in.

Then any minor things like checking the lights work etc!

IanBrace - 11/4/10 at 09:48 AM

Under the kit!

AdrianH - 11/4/10 at 09:50 AM

Maybe a run around Rivington in the kit car, not decided!


[Edited on 11-4-10 by AdrianH]

dave1888 - 11/4/10 at 09:55 AM

Garage then off to see my Mum for some sliced homemade soup and a biscuit.

Stuart_B - 11/4/10 at 09:56 AM

off, to play some pool, then to pick up a engine up for the kit car.


eznfrank - 11/4/10 at 09:58 AM

Off to see the in-laws new house, no garage time for me today, gutted cos the cars getting close to done now so just want to crack on!!!

karlak - 11/4/10 at 10:06 AM

Got to Fix the Wing stay that broke yesterday

AndyW - 11/4/10 at 10:07 AM

with 4 weeks until kit arrives, doing nowt but looking after the kids as wife at work til 10pm! But still got time for locost builders!!!!

UncleFista - 11/4/10 at 10:11 AM

Originally posted by dave1888
Garage then off to see my Mum for some sliced homemade soup and a biscuit.

Sounds a bit thick for me

StevieB - 11/4/10 at 10:21 AM

My boy seems to have had a reaction to something on his skin yesterday, so we're all sat inside while it settles down (we reckon it may have been the sun cream). Wife has decree'd we can't go swimming in case the chlorine makes it worse

So, I'm researching my next project until my son goes for his afternoon nap then I will be quickly attacking the garden before it starts to grow again.

55ant - 11/4/10 at 10:25 AM


and im hungover to s***

phelpsa - 11/4/10 at 11:36 AM

Back to university!

gazza285 - 11/4/10 at 11:53 AM

Hell in a handcart.

bilbo - 11/4/10 at 11:58 AM

Yesterday was working on garden day - followed by sitting in garden getting gently pi..drunk
Today is garage day. Trying to finish the last of the wiring on the car.

skinned knuckles - 11/4/10 at 12:00 PM


TimC - 11/4/10 at 01:19 PM

Working on my MBA dissertation, having sold the last fun working vehicle (Alpina B10) from my fleet. Beautiful driving weather. Can I rent someone's 7?