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Looking for a passenger ride - I'll put some fuel in it!
ed_crouch - 18/10/16 at 02:04 PM

Is there anyone Basingstoke, Reading or Newbury area with a Locost/other 7 style car on the road who wouldn't mind giving me a quick spin ? I don't expect to do any driving and I am happy to fund you with fuel and/or maybe bacons if there's a café on the route.

I nearly built one a few times, but other things came along, and I'm considering it again now, and I just realised I've barely even ever sat in one, let alone been out on the roads in one. It'd be a shame to build one and then not like it...

No worries if not, but I thought I'd ask!



loggyboy - 18/10/16 at 02:11 PM

Mark Chandler is in Tadley I think although he may be still working on a conversion for his. If not PeWe isnt far away either.

swanny - 18/10/16 at 02:16 PM

if you ever find yourself in the east mids my car is available.


CosKev3 - 18/10/16 at 02:19 PM

Coming up to the wrong time of the year to be asking this really! !

Be much more chance in the spring when people are looking for an excuse to go out for a blat

Jeano - 18/10/16 at 02:36 PM

im a fair distance in Harlow Essex but if your ever in the area and its dry. Try SKCC they have lots of outings and it would be an opperuntity to maybe go in some different models.

nick205 - 18/10/16 at 02:49 PM

Hi Ed,

Sadly I don't have mine any more and I'm currently unable to drive otherwise I'd happily take you out for a spin. IIRC I sold you a donor pack from a Sierra I stripped some years back.

Things do get in the way, but building one is really rewarding and for me was as much pleasure of building as the end result. Shortly after finishing mine I ended up with 3 kids. 2 seats, no roof and a family of 5 didn't work well for me at the time so it had to go.

bart - 18/10/16 at 03:10 PM

winter Severn Simulator.
based on 300 bhp in 500kg car

easy sit on the floor , legs stretched out almost straight , in the lounge against the chair

now !
shut your eyes
hold your hands out in front of you. arms slightly bent
now ready for test drive.
1) throw yourself violently backwards
2) then immediately throw yourself violently forward and get someone to quite hard thump you in the chest ( seat belt simulation )
3) now throw your shoulders and head violently to the left , whilst trying to grip the floor with bum suction alone.
4) repeat to the right.

now for an extended simulation , repeat several times in various combinations , try one or two at the same time.

for added realism make brm brm errr errr sounds with your mouth, Don't forget to change gear now!

final simulation , shut loudly "oh S**T" and get someone to throw about 1/4 of a cup of luke warm water in your lap.
that will simulate over cooking a tight corner nicely,

!!!! who needs a million pound formula one simulator

SPYDER - 18/10/16 at 03:59 PM

For even more realism place an industrial fan blower two feet in front of you and get someone to throw live bees at your face.

Chris_Xtreme - 18/10/16 at 04:13 PM

I'm over in New Malden - SW london, I don't take my car off the road.

I am having problems with it conking out right now, some electrical noise gremlin..

once that is sorted, I'd happily try and organise something.

note to self - try and remember this post for when I am running properly again - which could be ages depending on how motivated I feel!

Jeano - 18/10/16 at 04:14 PM

mega lol

motivforz - 18/10/16 at 05:12 PM

I'm in Wantage and available... (not in the way!)

Slater - 18/10/16 at 05:57 PM

If you can make it to Broadstone, Dorset on a dry day before the end of the month, I can give you a ride in mine.

I run mine all year round.

mark chandler - 18/10/16 at 10:14 PM

I live in West Street, car is dead at the moment but you can certainly have a sit in it and chat about the effort required for a scratch build.

Although it has been on the road a few times it is simply not practical for me, to fast so it gets track days and sprints only now.

U2U me

Regards Mark

Sellsie - 19/10/16 at 12:12 PM

I am in Newbury but the car is off the road until the spring.
Winter upgrades starting early.

If you are still looking for a ride out after the winter drop me a message I can easily pop over for a spin around the lanes.
