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Contacting BGH
Nitrogeno25 - 4/12/13 at 02:22 PM

Hi, I need to contact BGH as I'm interested in a new gearbox (type 9, long first), but I can't find any email address.

As I'm far away (south America) and not very good speaking english I prefer mail over phone

Does anybody know if the have one?

Many thanks!


Dick Axtell - 4/12/13 at 02:32 PM

First stop -

Next - Tel: 0044 (0)1580 714114

They appear to have new address.

Paul Turner - 4/12/13 at 07:19 PM

BGH don't do e-mail. Their "new" address is actually Brians house, presume he is back working out of the garage.

Suggest you try Steve Perks at SP Components. In my opinion his products are far superior to BGH since they use all new internal components for a similar price, BGH use quite a few old gears and syncros. His e-mail address is on his website but getting a reply can take quite a while so be patient. He is a one man band and whileis on the PC is is not building boxes and diffs.

Pete Jordan - 4/12/13 at 10:26 PM

I found BGH Geartech to be very good, particularly helpful when I was rebuilding my gearbox. They don't advertise it but they do have an email address, which is
