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pics of finished car
thegasmen - 2/6/08 at 10:44 PM

here are some pics of my finished dax
its taken me ages to work out how to link the images to the website so bear with me guys.

regards Mick

Paul TigerB6 - 3/6/08 at 02:13 AM

Paul TigerB6 - 3/6/08 at 02:16 AM

Copy the address labelled "direct link" under each pic and paste it into the address bar after clicking the "picture" icon (7th from the left)

Looking really good anyway!!

Mave - 3/6/08 at 06:49 AM

Very nice. Is it a round tube, long wheel base version?

thegasmen - 3/6/08 at 07:03 AM

it is short wheelbase
lightweight square tube chassis

scoop - 3/6/08 at 07:35 AM

I do like black and silver. Thats a nice car mate. Very clean. Love the way you have cut the side panel round the exhaust.
Are the rear lights all Dax or did you source them elsewhere?

Triton - 3/6/08 at 07:37 AM

tickety boo..

nick205 - 3/6/08 at 08:35 AM

I've always had a thing for the Rush - there's something about the proportions and details that makes them work for me.

Very nicely executed build by the looks of things too

thegasmen - 3/6/08 at 09:51 AM

most of the parts of the buil where sourced elsewhere as dax normally charge the earth
lights are trailer type and where from ebay in fact i think the car was made from ebay
cheep as chips

chris_harris_ - 3/6/08 at 11:35 AM

Well i for sure like the look. And particularly the flarred front panel, and cutout. may even consider a similar thing myself. On an aside, are they the official dax front wings, think they look great.

eccsmk - 3/6/08 at 11:56 AM

i really like the dax
very nice car you have there well done

procomp - 3/6/08 at 01:45 PM

Hi i wonder where they got the idea for the vented side panels from. And there front wings are very familiar also.

Cheers Matt