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the perfect shave at last !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thunderace - 1/12/08 at 01:42 PM

for the last 20 years i have tryed in vain to get a good shave ,i have a very heavy growth can can stop most electric shavers dead on my face .
i get a 12 noon shadow .
but now i have sorted it for ever !!!!
this is how.
i now use a gillette blue two shaver and wet my face then the secret you rub some baby oil just 3-4 drips on your hands and rub on your wet face then shave it works (keep your face wet )my skin is like glass .
i have tryed loads of shavers and loads of tricks but this works .

3GEComponents - 1/12/08 at 01:45 PM

Have you ever thought about waxing?



eznfrank - 1/12/08 at 01:50 PM

have you ever tried King of Shaves?

I have a similar problem, none of these fancy triple blade aloe vera jobbies work at all. I've got an old style double edge razor and that's pretty much the only thing that will work for me. It cost about £50 but was well worth it. I think people assume they're really harsh on the skin but I use it to shave my head too and it's fine. Mind you, it does suck if you put it in a wash bag and forget it's in there and manage to carve your finger tipes up on it!!!!

Mr Whippy - 1/12/08 at 01:51 PM

you could have patented that as a new wonder shaving cream and made your fortune...but not now buddy you let the cat out the bag FAIL!

coozer - 1/12/08 at 01:53 PM

I have the same problem and shave in the shower with the water constantly on my face.

There must be a way of permantly removing facial hair, wouldn't mind but these days my beard is black and white!

Mr Whippy - 1/12/08 at 02:03 PM

Originally posted by coozer
There must be a way of permantly removing facial hair, wouldn't mind but these days my beard is black and white!

you need.......and you too can look like eagle eye's Action Man

simoto - 1/12/08 at 02:04 PM

After trying a few things imo the ultimate is warm water and dove soap as a lather/lubricant(some patience to allow stubble to soften).
1 prewash face with the dove
2 rinse with warm water
3 apply more soap lather to wet face
4 scrape
It contains moisturisers and has stopped any form of rashing or redness after shaving.
Also greatly improves ease of shaving.
Her indoors moans about her special soap but what else is new.

mangogrooveworkshop - 1/12/08 at 02:07 PM

Originally posted by coozer
I have the same problem and shave in the shower with the water constantly on my face.

There must be a way of permantly removing facial hair, wouldn't mind but these days my beard is black and white!

there is a way using the laser scanner.....been looking at one of these machines for a while.
Think i will spend the redundancy money on one and start a business with it

flak monkey - 1/12/08 at 02:09 PM

Have it lasered off.

scootz - 1/12/08 at 02:19 PM

Good to know I'm not suffering alone!

Thankfully I no longer have to shave every day now, so I get some relief! I used to hate facing cold-winter mornings with a raw bleeding face and neck!

I can just about put up with my thick growth issues on my face, but for some reasons the hairs on my neck want to all grow in different direction... uncomfortable as hell!

Mr Whippy - 1/12/08 at 02:19 PM

is it friday already?

Vindi_andy - 1/12/08 at 02:21 PM

King of shaves doesnt really lather up but does reduce razor rash and then moisturise afterwards

Personally use l'oreal but then my face is beginning to look like a rookery its got that many crows feet

graememk - 1/12/08 at 02:40 PM

get a Epilator and get drunk before you try it on your face.

Ivan - 1/12/08 at 02:42 PM

Shave - why??? - grow a beard - it keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer, and no mamby pamby aftershave or sun screen needed.

omega0684 - 1/12/08 at 03:00 PM

i thought that this was going to be a post about shaving 50 thowe of the head of an engine

Davey D - 1/12/08 at 03:05 PM

Originally posted by graememk
get a Epilator and get drunk before you try it on your face.

it hurts enough when a cheap/blunt electric shaver tugs at the odd hair.... cant imagine using an epilator on the face

Mr Whippy - 1/12/08 at 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Ivan
Shave - why??? - grow a beard - it keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer, and no mamby pamby aftershave or sun screen needed.

cos she refuses to kiss me if I don't which is a real pain as I hate the cold

Peteff - 1/12/08 at 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Originally posted by Ivan
Shave - why??? - grow a beard - it keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer, and no mamby pamby aftershave or sun screen needed.

cos she refuses to kiss me if I don't which is a real pain as I hate the cold

So where's the down side I could go for a Santa job if I grew mine now

mangogrooveworkshop - 1/12/08 at 03:29 PM

Ivan - 1/12/08 at 04:04 PM

cos she refuses to kiss me if I don't which is a real pain as I hate the cold

So where's the down side I could go for a Santa job if I grew mine now

The down side is that it makes you look older once it's grey - but that doesn't matter if the woman you have is happy with it, and you're happy with her. Oh - and some on here think I look like Rolf Harris with it

triumphdave - 1/12/08 at 04:18 PM

I used to hate it when I was a lad I had less facial hair than Triggers Old broom,about once a month 4or5 new hairs would sprout out.Pretty glad now though as I only shave twice a week thats including my head as well.

David Jenkins - 1/12/08 at 04:29 PM

About 40 years ago I decided that shaving was a stupid thing to do first thing in the morning... haven't shaved since...

02GF74 - 1/12/08 at 04:37 PM

are you in ZZ Top?

all thjs talk of razors and softeners, ya bunch of wussies. I use road grit and an angle grinder. No moitstureiser for me.

David Jenkins - 1/12/08 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
are you in ZZ Top?

I do get the hedge trimmer out every month or so...

Benzine - 1/12/08 at 05:54 PM

I haven't shaved for a few years. Beards ftw.

iank - 1/12/08 at 05:58 PM

Number 3 over beard and head every couple of weeks. Just shave the jawline and neck a couple of times a week.

<--- See (though the hair is shorter now)

DIY Si - 1/12/08 at 06:36 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
are you in ZZ Top?

all this talk of razors and softeners, ya bunch of wussies. I use road grit and an angle grinder. No moitstureiser for me.

Pah, you girl. You should be using diamond dust for that real just ripped to bits look. And a belt sander too.

theconrodkid - 1/12/08 at 06:42 PM

or grow a beard

JoelP - 1/12/08 at 06:54 PM

shaving is for loosers

Every few weeks i do it with a hair trimmer, then leave it til the moment comes when you cant dry your face effectively, and you know the time has come for another skimming

rusty nuts - 1/12/08 at 08:01 PM

Best shave I have ever had was earlier this year in Turkey , well worth £3. Back to king of shaves.

matt.c - 1/12/08 at 08:25 PM

I dont have to shave much as i only have bumfluff.

Simon - 1/12/08 at 08:28 PM

Evolution of species - man gets less hair.

Me shave weekly. Ug Ug ug



niceperson709 - 1/12/08 at 08:43 PM

It is entirely unnatural to shave facial hair and all I can say is grow a beard

craig1410 - 2/12/08 at 12:07 AM

I used to always have a bleeding neck until I started shaving in the shower now I almost never have so much as a single nick.

I have the shower pretty hot and just use soap initially to soften my stubble. Once I've washed my hair and the rest of me I use Gillette blue gel and a Mach 3 razor (don't believe what Tiger Woods, Roger Federer and the footballer tell you on TV - Mach 3 is the daddy!). Rinse the razor plenty and then when finished just stand under the shower with water on your face for a minute or so and you're done!


C10CoryM - 2/12/08 at 03:27 AM

I don't mind shaving my beard too much. I just wish I didnt have to shave up to my eyeballs.

Couple things I've learned:
- don't wash your face first. all you are doing is removing the nice slippery oils that are already in your skin. They will come off when you shave.
- do use a hot/wet towel and hold it on your face for a while. Don't rub it around. This is the first thing barbers do..... why shouldn't you?
-do shave daily. Eventually your skin gets used to it.

I grew a beard once. Takes all of 4 days for me. Rubbed my chin one morning and smelled my (now ex) girlfriend even after a shower. Shaved it off right then.


t.j. - 2/12/08 at 06:35 AM

You beard-man....

Just shave wet, with knive and some soap

[Edited on 2/12/08 by t.j.]

iank - 2/12/08 at 07:51 AM

Originally posted by C10CoryM
...Rubbed my chin one morning and smelled my (now ex) girlfriend even after a shower...