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Is the economy picking up?
richardh - 28/7/09 at 04:10 PM

Finally getting some more interviews.
It's taken almost 4 months of graft and exam sitting to improve my CV and have had to wait up to 5 weeks for feedback on applications.
Some sporadic interviews in that time but got the impression the companies were just playing the game and wasting time.

I'm no spring chicken nor an old fart and have some good experience but it's been so depressing to hear from agencies that they are getting over 200 CV's on average for every position that i'm also applying for.

Anyone else in the same boat?

I'm not quite destitute just yet but starting to wonder if i'm unemployable.

Been told i'm too overskilled / over qualified for temp manual work etc etc.

Danozeman - 28/7/09 at 04:15 PM

What did you say?? Your avatar is just to inviting!!!

There does seem to be some jobs about again..

omega0684 - 28/7/09 at 04:15 PM


D Beddows - 28/7/09 at 04:23 PM

Your not unemployable it's just no one is employing..... you don't say what kind of jobs you're qualified for but I'm an engineer/expert cad monkey/architectural technician and my current job is p*ssing me off so much I very very nearly just walked out. Had a long chat with the owner of the company today and I'm not going to now but most of the reason I'm not going to is that I know I stand s*d all chance of another job I think things ARE getting a bit better but I think it'll take a while yet before we'll be back to where we were 18 months ago when I could just have walked out of one job and be in another job the week after......

richardh - 28/7/09 at 04:29 PM

I'm a Project Manager, mainly IT Infrastructure rather than business process experienced.
No-one seemed to have any money to undertake projects, hence no need for people like me perm or contract.

THe ones that do have the money are piling the workload on existing staff who are likely overstretched and under skilled in that arena.

Guess time will tell.

Stuart_B - 28/7/09 at 04:54 PM

i think it is peaking up, i went through lots of interviews, and get down to the last two people, and then get a letter saying no, they where massive hits to me, as it would be my first job trying to come in to a world of resscion, but then i jsut sent a cv to a company i have never heard off, a week later, asking can i coem for a interview tommowor,a nd then i had a my interview, and started work 2 days later, and now since i got taken on, about 5 weeks ago, they have taken on 2 more people, so i think it is starting to look up.

Volvorsport - 28/7/09 at 05:11 PM

in general when you see the building trade pick up , you know people have spare cash . the knock on effect is transport gets a boost due to materials needing transport around the country .

so youve read it here first ....

building trade , then transport .....

eznfrank - 28/7/09 at 05:24 PM

Yes the economy is picking up, I made £2,500 on my shares in a bank this week so far - woohoo.

On the recruitment front though things are not so rosy for me - I wish I could tell my story but it's a bit complicated and touchy right now but it's the most frustrating thing I have ever come across!!!

dubstar_04 - 28/7/09 at 05:44 PM

I also think the economy is starting to pick up as a number of our clients have now started to spend money on non-essential work and our work is slowly starting to pick up.

On the employment front however I'm in the same boat as Dave, I almost walked out of my Job last week and I have been applying for a number of jobs without as much as a bite, when a year ago I was getting offered jobs almost weekly. I do however realise how lucky I am currently having a Job as a Job you don't like is better than no Job!!

I hope something comes up for you soon.

JoelP - 28/7/09 at 06:39 PM

my business is down to distressed purchases only, ie nothing bought until it absolutely has to be. And then its on the credit card! However i suspect this week i'll be working sat and sun to keep up.

Wife booked a holiday for us in two weeks time and i dont have enough cash to cancel a fit to go with her! Just going for a few days instead.

But, im optimistic. Mainly because im due a tax rebate which will let the pressure off a bit.

David Jenkins - 28/7/09 at 06:49 PM

Ages ago I went to a lecture given by a financial expert.

He said that the end of a recession is the time when most companies will fold, or shortly after. This is because they've been struggling for ages, trying to keep body & soul together, but can't quite last until they can take the benefits as the economy picks up. Factors such as debt, inability to get business loans, long-term customers going bust, and so on.

Grim theory, but I have heard this from several sources.

coozer - 28/7/09 at 07:13 PM

Well its ploughed down into the ground here. I finish Friday and the plant is closing by March.

No jobs for a automotive engineer round here atm, even the agencies tell me that.

I fully expect to be unemployed until at least the new year!

Nash - 28/7/09 at 08:13 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Well its ploughed down into the ground here. I finish Friday and the plant is closing by March.

No jobs for a automotive engineer round here atm, even the agencies tell me that.

I fully expect to be unemployed until at least the new year!

Coozer, Did I pick up from a previous thread that you work at NSK?

The reason I ask is I used to live in Peterlee and I know some people that work / worked there.

Good Hunting BTW

........ Neil

coozer - 28/7/09 at 08:16 PM

Yep, NSK Steering Systems in Peterlee.

Japs have pulled the rug out and are shifting the plant to Poland.

It's a rapid shutdown considering the amount of work/customers we have.

I was gutted before but since the definitive closure announcement I can't wait to get away!

Nash - 28/7/09 at 08:35 PM

So is the bearing plant staying? Its years since I've been past the plant, how big is steering compared to Bearings?

Sorry to hear this Coozer, my mate works at CAT and they are in trouble too. Loads of lay offs and short time working.

What about Walkers Crisps they have expanded consistantly over the years?

....... Neil

coozer - 28/7/09 at 08:45 PM

Bearing plants staying open, been there over 30 years now a favourite with the yellow fellas. The forge up the road is closing as well and moving down into the bearing plant. NSK own most of the land on the estate but our place is leased.

Our place has about the same number of folk as the bearing plant but the units not as big. lease is up in June next year so I think that may have had a say.

Went for a a job at the crisp factory but there was about 40 peeps there for the tests and the money was poo to be honest.

Even the call centres at the end are paying off. SSL had a big recruitment a little while ago but we were blissfully unaware our place was in danger at the time.

I'm not in a hurry to go back, plenty to do here with her indoors and two cars and three bikes all in bits!
