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Woohoo, I actually got the job!
James - 12/5/11 at 12:09 PM

Remember this post:

Have gone a long time without a proper job. Partly through my own laziness and partly through having my career trashed by the idiocy of Hewlett Packard.

Well they finally gave me a 2nd interview yesterday, this time I had to meet the Financial Director.

Unbelievably was early again (those that know me will know how shocking this is! ) and had a relatively pleasant chat with the guy (this was non-technical interview) for 45mins. Asked me a few awkward questions and he appeared to be trying to catch me out on a few career history things (like he asked me who the drivers were during my 2003-2006 Mclaren time and I couldn't really remember! ) but it was mainly ok and I was pretty honest.

Anyway, couple of hours later one of the Directors phoned me up and said they'd like me.

Pretty chuffed as it's been a while since I had any work. The money isn't amazing at all but there's a bonus scheme (I don't know the details yet) that's pretty good and the training should be very good so plenty of scope to move on if I dont like it! lol

Might even be able to pay the mortgage and buy fuel and food without worrying constantly!

Best of all, should be able to get the Locost back on the road! Yippeeee!

Anyway, just thought I share some good news on here. If I can get a job then anyone can!


Daddylonglegs - 12/5/11 at 12:14 PM

Good on you mate

Confused but excited. - 12/5/11 at 12:16 PM

Nice one James, I'm made up for you.
Long term unemployment is no joke.

richardlee237 - 12/5/11 at 12:17 PM

Many congratulations, we've all been there.

Well, most of us !

RichardK - 12/5/11 at 12:18 PM

So you didnt resort to if you dont give me the job I'm gonna kick your back doors in then, technique !!!

Well done mate, the country needs all the tax payers it can

Take care


rallyingden - 12/5/11 at 12:18 PM

You should have put on a Polish accent You would have got a job ages ago

Bumble - 12/5/11 at 12:47 PM

Congratulations.......surely warrants a few shandy's!!

James - 12/5/11 at 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Bumble
Congratulations.......surely warrants a few shandy's!!

Yeah, I went a bit mad on the way home from training and bought both a bag of crisps AND a Dairy milk! Was like the last days of Caligula!

Training tonight too so hopefully get a curry to celebrate on Friday night.


Richard Quinn - 12/5/11 at 01:44 PM

Well done!

chrisxr2 - 12/5/11 at 01:47 PM

Nice one, looking to move jobs myself just been for an interview for a job i want and need to improve my career and was cacking myself, normally i am uber confident.

Steve Hignett - 12/5/11 at 02:26 PM

Congrats James, well done matey!

Fozzie - 12/5/11 at 02:30 PM

Excellent news James......Well done!

Ok so the money might not be that great...but....some money is better than NO money...

So what is your new job all about then?

Congrats again,

Still trying to get my head around the fact that you were early twice!!!! .......

stevebubs - 12/5/11 at 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie

So what is your new job all about then?

Congrats...and equally curious


mangogrooveworkshop - 12/5/11 at 02:54 PM


phelpsa - 12/5/11 at 03:22 PM

Nice one

I had that feeling for the first time when applying for my placement this year. After all the effort and fuss of sending off CVs and application letters I received a few interview invites at my top rated companies, first one I went to offered me a job on the day! Its a great feeling knowing that you were selected over six or seven hundred other applicants!

Hector.Brocklebank - 12/5/11 at 03:26 PM

Hello James

Congratulations on your Job...

I just secured my one year visa after a harrowing 45min interview by two terrors of custom officers, job was dependent on obtaining my visa... so I'm as chuffed as you are, just need to pack the case and fly out on 10th of June

Haven't worked in 10 years so to suddenly find I'm gonna teach foundation engineering is a little daunting

Bangkok Here I come !!!!!

Humbug - 12/5/11 at 04:13 PM

Congratulations, James... might see you up at Newlands in a Locost then?

Johneturbo - 12/5/11 at 04:21 PM

well done

i must admit you nearly cought me out with that story of you working at mclaren

Jasper - 12/5/11 at 04:36 PM

Nice one James, really great news mate

James - 12/5/11 at 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Excellent news James......Well done!

So what is your new job all about then?

Congrats again,

Still trying to get my head around the fact that you were early twice!!!! .......

Feeding the 5000, water into wine and now me being on time twice in a row.... miracles do happen!

Well it's back in IT. Working for a network and server architecture company. Basically installing and designing hardware setups for clients. I think they'll want me involved in the technical sales side too but that's no problem.

Drive to the office is okay too. SLightly concerned about how much I'll be out of the office and unable to get to training but we'll see how it goes.


nick205 - 12/5/11 at 05:11 PM

nice one James, hope it works out well for you!

Guinness - 12/5/11 at 07:03 PM

Great news James!

MikeR - 13/5/11 at 04:47 PM

Great news and good luck.

Hopefully your place will be full of fun people and you'll have an interesting job with good propects (money isn't everything - although it does help).