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loads of faliures in IOM TT
daniel mason - 6/6/11 at 09:18 PM

seems like theres loads of faliures this year. poor cam donald and michael dunlop twice guy martin was given a lifeline after dropping it on 1st lap, but due to the unfortunate death of a 34 year old irish rider, it was red flagged and re started.
they seem to be able to man handle the 600's around a bit easier but were still getting up above 170mph
mcguinness and amor had a good old scrap on last lap too

skodaman - 6/6/11 at 09:21 PM

Yeah that guy from Morecambe's not bad. He lives on same street as my boss.

Steve Hignett - 6/6/11 at 09:26 PM

Did you think there was something funny to Guy Martin's "crash"? looked like something had gone wrong to me?

MkII - 6/6/11 at 09:42 PM

did look a bit odd steve ha didnt seem to go down hard enough to damage the bike beyond continuing. .m.