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mechanical properties of a sponge - whats it called
balidey - 7/11/11 at 09:32 AM

Help, its been too long since my Uni days to remember.
You know when you get a sponge, pull it in one direction it shrinks in the other?
I'm sure this property has a certain name, but I can't remember and I can't find it online.

Anyone know?

mcerd1 - 7/11/11 at 09:35 AM's_ratio

balidey - 7/11/11 at 09:38 AM

Yes, thats it, thank you.

britishtrident - 7/11/11 at 10:50 AM

The interesting bit is when you try and put anything under tension in all 3 axis --- ie: tri-axial stress system

BenB - 7/11/11 at 11:34 AM


richardlee237 - 7/11/11 at 11:46 AM

Poissons ratio

The ratio of the volume of chips to fish

Used for assessing chip shops frequented by nerdy french speaking engineers

richardlee237 - 7/11/11 at 11:48 AM


Tri axial stress defined as

Wife, Mother and Outlaw

balidey - 7/11/11 at 11:55 AM

yes yes, all very good answers.
I felt like such a muppet this morning trying to explain to someone why when you pull an item (sponge was first thing I thought of as my lecturer used it to demonstrate the principle) it gets narrower.
So I remembered the sponge, but forgot the actual name of the principle.... good to see my University education wasn't wasted.

[Edited on 7/11/11 by balidey]

Stott - 7/11/11 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by balidey
yes yes, all very good answers.
I felt like such a muppet this morning trying to explain to someone why when you pull an item (sponge was first thing I thought of as my lecturer used it to demonstrate the principle) it gets narrower.

[Edited on 7/11/11 by balidey]

Then the Mrs said "very nice, now put that thing away and sod off to work"

twybrow - 7/11/11 at 12:25 PM

Now look for materiasl that when you pull them, they get fatter - ie a 've Poissons ratio... Very weird.