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dave - 13/10/13 at 06:14 PM

Any of you Gentle folks able to purchase these at a good price. My company told me to go ahead and buy one for a football club where my Cousin was the Physio now they have told me they can't go ahead with it.. My cousin sadly died from a Heart attack during a game 2 weeks ago, I don't want to let the club down so intend to buy it myself the one that is most suited costs £1200 and I have already lined up a company offering to do the training free of charge.

[Edited on 13/10/13 by dave]

TheGiantTribble - 13/10/13 at 06:18 PM

I can check at work tomorrow with a couple of our medical suppliers

matt_gsxr - 13/10/13 at 07:16 PM

You might be able to get a subsidy from BHF.

This link might help.


p.s. well done for taking this on.

owelly - 13/10/13 at 07:16 PM

Our village has just bought one after a bit of fundraising. It now lives in a secure box with a combination lock, outside the doctor surgery in the middle of the village. It cost £1200 and seems to be the idiot-proof one of choice.

trextr7monkey - 13/10/13 at 09:23 PM

Sending U2U

BenB - 14/10/13 at 06:22 AM ?

should do the job. The main issue with defibs is the ongoing need for batteries. We've got one at work and all we ever do for it is buy batteries- then again, this does mean we've never had to use it in anger which is a good thing I guess!

hobbsy - 16/10/13 at 01:48 AM

I bought one a few years ago when the US dollar to pound was more like 2:1 and got a Phillips Heart Start like this one:


So now you're looking more like £800 plus customs but at the time it was about £600 so a major saving over UK prices.

Have bought a new battery and pads since.

I have done the course but any AED is designed to me pretty much foolproof, i.e it talks you through it and will only give a shock when appropriate (heart in fibrillation). So you don't really need to do the course but then if it's FoC it won't do any harm. The one I linked to above includes a DVD which talks you all through it as well.

Hope this helps. I bought the one I did for a similar-ish reason (i.e. not for myself)