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nick baker - 15/2/07 at 01:25 PM

I have a "friend".. she's not the sharpest tool in the box and hasn't got the highest self-esteem...

Now I'm an engineer, I deal in logic and things I can touch and understand (I hate ECU's) and subsequently I am an absolute atheist.

She recently let on that she was leaving Sweden to go and work for a "charity" in the UK (near Stanstead?). I was happy: FINALLY she's got a job... so I enquired about the wage...

There isn't one, but she gets an "allowance" and free board and lodgings. She then says that it's actually a scientology group. She was born into it, and has never questiond her faith (based on a 1950's Sci-Fi Author's ideas).

Not so happy after that revelation...

I'm genuinely worried about her being taken advantage of: working for nothing and being treated like amushroom (fed on sh1t and being kept in the dark)

Has anyone here got any experience of Scientology in the UK?

I have friends here who's families have suffered as a result of scientology... and for those who know nothing of them, read this... you'll most likely laugh.



[Edited on 15/2/07 by nick baker]

[Edited on 15/2/07 by nick baker]

[Edited on 15/2/07 by nick baker]

nitram38 - 15/2/07 at 01:40 PM

I am an electrician and I had the misfortune of working at their headquarters in East Grinstead Sussex.
It is run like a military style camp where people work on the "castle" for £50 credits. Sounds good, but these credits are for books in the Secure Library. Each book costs £2-3000. They work to get these books. In return they are "ordited" using a simple galvanometer (voltmeter) to see if they can "cross the bridge".
This is basically a hum drum "religion" which brainwashes it's victims into spending their time or money.
As people do this of "free choice", what they are doing is not illegal, but what a waste of life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are lots of celebs who do this, John Travolta, Tom cruise.
Why do you think Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman broke up? I will leave that up to you to decide.

Peteff - 15/2/07 at 01:45 PM

They are a bunch of mentalists, but if it makes her happy then it's up to her. If you look you'll find most of them are down the bottom of the country for some reason I tried the Emeter test with my circuit tester and you can get any result you want.

P.S. No offence intended as I know people on here are far too sensible to get involved with religion and anything else that might distract from the one true goal (and cost money)

Confused but excited. - 15/2/07 at 01:53 PM

The trouble with 'Scientologists' is that they missed the point altogether.
Ron Hubbard was soooo anti-establishment it was untrue. His books take the urine out of the American government (especially the FBI and CIA)something wicked.
Scientology was a wee take on religion ( another establishment). He would be howling laughing at these poor sods, if he was still alive.

Phil.J - 15/2/07 at 02:12 PM

There are always people weak enough to fall for the clap-trap that is religion. You just have to hope that as they get older and wiser and the influence of their parents diminishes, they see it all for the mumbo jumbo that it is and stop wasting their time on it.

macnab - 15/2/07 at 02:33 PM

I'm with this crowd, and have my Darwin Fish on my car to show my allegiance

ALL HAIL THE FSM! May his appendages be ever moist.


[Edited on 15/2/07 by macnab]

ChrisJLW - 15/2/07 at 02:44 PM

Originally posted by macnab
I'm with this crowd, and have my Darwin Fish on my car to show my allegiance

ALL HAIL THE FSM! May his appendages be ever moist.


[Edited on 15/2/07 by macnab]

I've got one of the Pirate fish for my car!

All praise his noodlyness!

macnab - 15/2/07 at 02:52 PM

A fellow believer

I think a huge pirate fish on the back my locost would looks so cool since the cars to be matt black...

MikeR - 15/2/07 at 02:53 PM

I've been touched by his noodly appendage )

A friend is a scout leader and i'm trying to persuade her that when she has her 5 year review & gets asked about god she should say she's part of the FSM clan.

macnab - 15/2/07 at 03:18 PM

Any objections can then be handled by the religious discrimination act and make a bit off cash…

[Edited on 15/2/07 by macnab]

RazMan - 15/2/07 at 03:39 PM

the beer volcanos sound cool

Peteff - 15/2/07 at 03:43 PM

It's a toss up between him and Issek of the jug .

macnab - 15/2/07 at 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
It's a toss up between him and Issek of the jug .


Consider us now AT WAR!

I shall now invade your fridge and liberate your beer from oppression...

David Jenkins - 15/2/07 at 05:23 PM

I saw one of those Darwin fish on the back of a car a few weeks ago - my wife was wondering why I'd suddenly started giggling while driving her into town... (if you've never seen one, it's a simple fish symbol used by happy-clappy Christians, often stuck on the back of cars. The p*ss-take version has 'Darwin' written across the body, and legs coming out underneath). A Google on "Darwin fish" will give you plenty of illustrations.

A bit of background info: I've come to the conclusion that people who drive around with fish symbols are the worst drivers I ever encounter - often seen on luxury cars like big Vovlo estates - drive like they're the only people on the road. Absolutely no advertisement for good Christian charitable values.

[Edited on 15/2/07 by David Jenkins]

nick baker - 15/2/07 at 05:36 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
A bit of background info: I've come to the conclusion that people who drive around with fish symbols are the worst drivers I ever encounter - often seen on luxury cars like big Vovlo estates - drive like they're the only people on the road.

So so so so so so so TRUE. It's a warning sign.

Nitram38: The voltmeter thing is what my quotee article was about... an "E-meter" .. yet only the "auditor" gets to see the big dial.. wonder why I think that's exactly what she'll be working towards.

So full of promise, but because her family isn't so well off, she's been draughted to work for them instead of her family making payments.

Peteff: It does make her happy.... but if a close friend of yours threw her money downa well and did nothing with her life because she thought it'd make her a better person, would you stand back and say "ahh.... but she's happy" or sould you sit her down and try to talk some sense into her?

It's a bit of amess to be honest... I expect her to go off the radar once she gets there: the outside world isn't something that she'll get to play with i suspect...

Peteff - 15/2/07 at 06:11 PM

I don't care who you are, I'm not sharing my fish and chips with 5,000 of you so f**k off. Mac, you'd better get here before 21.30 or the beer will be beyond liberation.
Nick, there is a convent not far from here where the same thing has been going on for years and they all seem happy enough. Some people need to be in some form of institution to function. I believe you can only do so much then people are in charge of their own lives. If she's not taking away anything other than what's hers the only thing you can do short of proposing is let her do as she thinks best.

nick baker - 15/2/07 at 06:47 PM

True enough Pete...

It just wrankles a little when others are making financial gain from her naieve outlook on life...

ahh well..

David Jenkins - 15/2/07 at 06:59 PM

The difference with a convent is (a) they take any woman, rich or poor (b) that person has to give all their money to charity - not to the convent and (c) they make it VERY hard for any woman to join.

I should point out that I'm not religious in any way - but I do have some respect for many nuns, who do a lot of good work. Any they do pray for us heathens, even though we don't deserve it!

Allegedly, Scientologists are just a bunch of con artists who prey on the gullible.


[Edited on 15/2/07 by David Jenkins]

britishtrident - 15/2/07 at 08:08 PM

Bewarned Like Cateringvan they keep a lot of lawyers employed suing people.

mark chandler - 15/2/07 at 08:11 PM

I,ve got to agree with nitram38, they are a scary bunch, if she has no money then they are just after free labour.

I have also been to the East Grinstead centre for work years ago, post is sensored as are phone calls etc, once you are within those walls and brain washed its very hard to be extracted !

When work there you are literally segregated from the masses, only deal with people in authority and the new comes are not allowed to be left alone or come near you.

Regards Mark

David Jenkins - 15/2/07 at 08:19 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Bewarned Like Cateringvan they keep a lot of lawyers employed suing people.

Fair comment - in true "Have I got news for you" tradition I have edited my posting... allegedly.

nick baker - 15/2/07 at 08:23 PM

Also very true... and I think it's that point that has got me so pissed about it all.

One os religon.. the other is con-atristry.

£2000-£3000 for books? get real.

The E-Meter tests (audits) are EXPENSIVE... and they insist that you do them regularly.

My main worry is that she's going to get to the Uk and find that Scientology in the UK is more extreme than here in Sweden, and she's going to get Stuck.

she knows my number and i've told her that if she realises that it's all completely nuts I'll pay for a ticket for her to come home: It's the least I can do... But she'll hvae to put up with a HUGE amount if "I told you so's"

In my brief search for more background info on the cult, I filled out a scientology questionaire.... I have never come accross so many loaded and leading questions in my life. 200 of them in all. A bunch of us sat around giggling at it.

They seemed to be aiming towards "are you a weak wierdo that we can use?"

I' ve just realised i've got the questions saved... Here are some choice ones...

6. Do you get occasional twitches of your muscles, when there is no logical reason for it?

7. Would you prefer to be in a position where you did not have the responsibilities of making decisions?

11. Is your voice monotonous, rather than varied in pitch?

16. Do you speak slowly?

21. Do your past failures still worry you?

26. Is your life a constant struggle for survival?

40. Are you rarely happy, unless you have a special reason?

61. Do you ever get a “dreamlike” feeling toward life when it all seems unreal?

71. Do you often “sit and think” about death, sickness, pain and sorrow?

106. Do you sometimes wonder if anyone really cares about you?

197. Do you have spells of being sad and depressed for no apparent reason?

The thing that gets me is that there is not ONE question with a positive light to it. They're either passive or negative.


Charles Darwin would be laughing I'm sure..

mark chandler - 15/2/07 at 09:04 PM

If she ends up in East Grinstead then the if she manages to leave the last thing she will need is this

"But she'll hvae to put up with a HUGE amount if "I told you so's"

Open arms and welcome back will be what is required.... they will also come looking for her if stories I have heard are true, she will need full time supervison for a while and you will have to accompany her if she goes out incase the grab her !

Really scary cult.

jlparsons - 15/2/07 at 09:11 PM

You'll like this one...
According to the church of scientology, humans are not evolved from apes but clams. The reason why back ache is such a problem for humans is that this is where our hinge used to be.
Of course I have no way to disprove this hypothesis, so I will have to live my life without an answer. Kind of feels dreamlike, really. As if everything's not quite real. I think I'd better go get my multi-meter and audit myself.

jlparsons - 15/2/07 at 09:13 PM

Re the above - "allegedly"

jlparsons - 15/2/07 at 09:14 PM

Top tip for scientologists - having trouble with your audit? Use more current!

JoelP - 15/2/07 at 10:02 PM

i read about scientology on wikipedia, the things that uncle ron said are unbelievable! Some junk about aliens coming to earth 500 billion years ago (ie a little before the big bang!). They are however very rich, owning massive yachts where the top levels are taught.

macnab - 16/2/07 at 08:15 AM

Originally posted by jlparsons
You'll like this one...
According to the church of scientology, humans are not evolved from apes but clams. The reason why back ache is such a problem for humans is that this is where our hinge used to be.

pardon me, but what the???

ned - 16/2/07 at 08:41 AM

nick baker - 16/2/07 at 09:02 AM

Originally posted by mark chandler
If she ends up in East Grinstead then the if she manages to leave the last thing she will need is this

"But she'll hvae to put up with a HUGE amount if "I told you so's"

Bah.. I wasn't entirely serious... But IF it all comes to that, I'm not going to sit back and pretend that it didn't happen. I've told her that she's got a free ticket home and that I'll arrange pickup from anywhere in the uk and delivery to an airport within 4 hours if she needs it. She knows my views, but she knows that far more importantly, I care for her.

She IS young, she IS naieve, and she won't listen to reason.

"Scary Cult" ... dead right.

The most important thing is this: She's been a scientologist all of her life, but the way SHE describes it makes it sound like a more dreamy and happy-hippy thing. What she describes is a million miles away from all the UK-based and US based Scientology websites.
This is in SWEDEN where things aren't ever as extreme as in the UK. I'm worried that she'll get to the UK and find that the UK scene is madly different... and then have trouble getting out again.

It's genuinely worrying.

macnab - 16/2/07 at 10:11 AM

When I was a kid one of my sisters friends joined something like that, her friend prompty fell out with everyone else after telling them they were sinners and going to burn in hell I thought it was so funny at the time but my sister was really upset.

[Edited on 16/2/07 by macnab]