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Microwaves How Come??
Surrey Dave - 27/2/07 at 12:21 PM

How come you can't put metal in a microwave but some of them have stainless steel interiors?

takumi - 27/2/07 at 12:23 PM

The interiors will be earthed, along with the mesh screen inside the door.

macnab - 27/2/07 at 12:31 PM

you can put tin foil in, I do this myself. But it can't get too close to the side as then a spark jumps (since any metal inside becomes highly charged) and the sparks are very hot so be careful. Wrapping something up in foil prevents any microwaves getting through to the food, as does a mesh.

Gold in any quanty appears to be a no no as it always seems to spark.

All microwaves are metal boxes even when they look like plastic inside, if they weren't the microwaves would simply escape. Don't f$£ck with them or you could get hurt.

[Edited on 27/2/07 by macnab]

Guinness - 27/2/07 at 12:55 PM

Don't whatever you do put a CD in a microwave.

You get loads of little sparks running round the tracks, then it gets a bit hot, melts and sticks to the turntable.

Don't put a glass bowl full of water with a 60w light bulb floating in it either.

First off the light bulb lights up, then goes reaaaalllllyyyy bright, then goes into the UV end of the spectrum. Then you can't have kids!



trogdor - 27/2/07 at 01:00 PM

have seen this done in physics at A level, if you just put a light bulb in the microwave at low power it will light, high power it explodes!

balloons with a little bit of water in are good, they expand to fill the whole microwave, my fav is putting in a chrisp packet, it will become really tiny!

cds are good too, just make sure it isn't your microwave, or your parents......

macnab - 27/2/07 at 02:07 PM


First off the light bulb lights up, then goes reaaaalllllyyyy bright, then goes into the UV end of the spectrum. Then you can't have kids!

UV won't make you sterile (excluding serious sunburn on your nob) and the filament can't glow in UV.

JonBowden - 27/2/07 at 03:24 PM


UV won't make you sterile (excluding serious sunburn on your nob) and the filament can't glow in UV.

Perhaps, when it explodes, it blows your balls off.

James - 27/2/07 at 03:33 PM

Originally posted by JonBowden

UV won't make you sterile (excluding serious sunburn on your nob) and the filament can't glow in UV.

Perhaps, when it explodes, it blows your balls off.


Made everyone near me in the office 'Meerkat' at the sudden outburst.
The egg mayoaise sarnie I just sprayed over the screen ain't too helpful either!


macnab - 27/2/07 at 03:38 PM

Originally posted by JonBowden

UV won't make you sterile (excluding serious sunburn on your nob) and the filament can't glow in UV.

Perhaps, when it explodes, it blows your balls off.

cadebytiger - 27/2/07 at 04:39 PM

The Grape one is quit good.

If you cut a grape almost all the way through - just leaving the skin attaching the two halves.

you get some plasma thing (don't know how it works)