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So your car is the real Mcoy?
Fatgadget - 15/6/07 at 03:46 PM

Think again !

02GF74 - 15/6/07 at 03:57 PM

that is quite naughty that is but so what, evey chinese takeaway does a reasonable copy of chinese food, tasty but not quite the real mcoy (cow stomach soup) and noone's complained so far.

chriscook - 15/6/07 at 04:03 PM

You can swap the doors over between a Chery QQ and a Daewoo Matiz and they fit perfectly. ISTR Chery even managed to start selling the QQ in China before Daewoo started selling the Matiz there.

nib1980 - 15/6/07 at 04:09 PM

worse the landwind (frontera copy), was crash tested, and ADAC, said if possible thed have given it a negative star rating, I saw the video, and i was scared, and I crash cars for a living. basically they had deleted any reinforcing bracket they thought they didn't need

see the video here

[Edited on 15/6/07 by nib1980]

[Edited on 15/6/07 by nib1980]

[Edited on 15/6/07 by nib1980]

[Edited on 15/6/07 by nib1980]

Fatgadget - 15/6/07 at 04:10 PM

Brings a whole new meaning to:.."Is it real or is it memorex"!

nick baker - 15/6/07 at 04:23 PM

If you look for "Bugging the boardroom" (radio broadcast on BBC radio 4) you might still find a 2-part series about Chinese industrial espionage.

In my line of work we try to keep our secrets from thier similar business areas, and once found a complete duplicate of one of our machines installed in china. It was complete with holes in the frame where a concept had been installed during the development stage , but never put into production. The mounting holes were redundant but left in teh frame for some reason. The chinese had duplicated them too...

Funnilly enough, the customer baught our machien to replace it as the carbon Copy machien had never worked. The software and the tolerances were WAY out. They'd obviously got the design - but no software - and had it made by a sub-standard manufacturer. Gits.

smart51 - 15/6/07 at 05:01 PM

The last company I worked for was asked to go an service a machine in South America somewhere - a market we never sold into. It was an exact copy, including the company's name badge with address and phone number. We knew it wasn't one of ours as we made bespoke machines and only ever duplicated if a customer wanted two the same.

millenniumtree - 15/6/07 at 06:23 PM

That's incredible!

The attention to detail of the copies is really something. They're probably just taking the replacement parts they already make for export and sticking them on a new chassis. The only problem is you get a car made ENTIRELY from cheap replacement parts that are almost never made to the specifications and quality of the original part!

I suppose this is what you get when your government actively discourages independent creative thought!!

For the cars, I think it can be explained at least partially by the replacement parts market, but for bespoke equipment and machines?? All I can say is WOW!

joneh - 15/6/07 at 06:50 PM

I bought a Colin Klein T shirt once

t.j. - 15/6/07 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by nib1980
worse the landwind (frontera copy), was crash tested, and ADAC, said if possible thed have given it a negative star rating, I saw the video, and i was scared, and I crash cars for a living. basically they had deleted any reinforcing bracket they thought they didn't need

see the video here

Copies are in most cases worse than the orginal. I personal don't like the look of the vauxhall either:

vauxhall frontera :-(

[retest landwind at same conditions as vauxhall

[Edited on 15/6/07 by t.j.]

fesycresy - 15/6/07 at 07:28 PM

Just saw the videos. That's not going to polish out is it

Didn't someone test a new people carrier against an old Disco and the new car was much better ?

chriscook - 15/6/07 at 07:30 PM

In China they don't have so many options for high strength steels which are used fairly extensively in modern cars. This severely limits their crash performance and the use the same design but make it from cheese instead.

t.j. - 15/6/07 at 07:38 PM

my advise:

Buy a heavy, large, big, long car which will push everything away when you hit it.

Better hit nothing,
BTW; how does the locost performe in NCAP

But hey a motorcycle or quadracycle is also not the best thing to have if you're gonna kiss a wall at 56 km/h

[Edited on 15/6/07 by t.j.]

Browser - 16/6/07 at 07:51 AM

A friend told me recently that the Chinese government bought a shedload of GE frame 6 gas turbines for power generation a while back and all but one were installed for their intended use. The last one never saw the light of day and questions asked as to it's whereabouts were met by generations-old Chinese inscrutability.
Some while later the vendor got to hear about a new Chinese-built GT, which bore a remarkable resemblance to the GE frame 6 machine, coming out in China, making it obvious that thye'd reverse-engineered the 'disappeared' machine. Due to the lack of specialist steels and alloys, however, their version's apparrently crap!