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Eaten alive in the garage
stevec - 24/8/07 at 09:33 PM

Anyone else being eaten alive by mossies and other bugs while working in the garage these warmer evenings?
And more important has anyone got a cunning way of nailing the little gits?

graememk - 24/8/07 at 09:37 PM

warm evening ? we have the heating on

v8kid - 24/8/07 at 09:56 PM

Yup - use Avon Skin So Soft The little buggers hate it. Trouble is when you go in the Pub you get some very strange looks!!!

givemethebighammer - 24/8/07 at 11:10 PM

Eat marmite, works for me.

yahshuatwo - 24/8/07 at 11:30 PM

in the southern U.S. we're in drought condition and the Ants are everywhere. i've been bitten twice today.

caber - 25/8/07 at 07:41 AM

If you don't fancy skin so soft which even deters the Scottish midge then try EP90 just as effective and less social stigma in the pub . . . . but don't think of going anywhere near girlfriend/wife!


bilbo - 25/8/07 at 09:14 AM

Dirink lot's of Gin and Tonic

No, seriously, have a few G'n'T's. You will start sweating out quinine, which they hate.

To be honest, you'll probably get the same result from just drinking the Tonic, but it's not as fun

The bonus of the Gin is if you do get bit, you wont care , jut don't plan on using any power tools

[Edited on 25/8/07 by bilbo]

Catpuss - 25/8/07 at 10:42 AM

An easy solution is to light a citrus candle. You can get them from gardening shops quite reasonable price and probably B&Q/Wilko e.t.c

StevieB - 25/8/07 at 02:00 PM

Go to Nevisport or Blacks and get some insect repellent with a high percentage of deet - that's the agent in most repellants, but usually only used in small %ages.

Be carefull though - I used it when I was with the Marines all the time and noticed it did a good job of melting the digits off my compass, and definately don't get it near your eyes (or other 'sesntive parts', as a mate of mine found out and ended up getting shipped to Shaiba field hospital with grotesquely swollen testicals )

minitici - 25/8/07 at 08:07 PM

The midges in Scotland are murder!

scotty g - 26/8/07 at 06:46 AM

I once read somewhere that if you spray catnip on yourself that mozzies hate it, i tried on a trip to the bahamas and seriously it works a bloody treat, thay can't get away quick enough. Not much you can do about all the cats hanging around though!

Angel Acevedo - 26/8/07 at 08:49 PM

Originally posted by bilbo
Dirink lot's of Gin and Tonic

No, seriously, have a few G'n'T's. You will start sweating out quinine, which they hate.

To be honest, you'll probably get the same result from just drinking the Tonic, but it's not as fun

The bonus of the Gin is if you do get bit, you wont care , jut don't plan on using any power tools

[Edited on 25/8/07 by bilbo]

I would have never thought why while hanging over a would not get bitten by mosquitoes....

RK - 27/8/07 at 01:06 AM

Deet. The only really effective solution.

Also, don't wear blue if mosquitoes are the "bibitte" in question (as they say here in Quebec). Bugs and the heat are almost as frustrating as trying to figure out how to build my car!