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Prolapsed Disk & Sciatica
Gav - 4/9/07 at 02:41 PM

For the first time in 3 months im sat at my desk at work, without pain killers, without any nasty pain down my leg or in my back.

Must be joy of working on the car for the first time in months yesterday still got me on a high

Confused but excited. - 4/9/07 at 02:43 PM

You can't beat those endorfins!

Glad to see your situation has improved mate.

BenB - 4/9/07 at 03:59 PM

Driving a 7 is also a known remedy for constipation (especially when the roads are wet)

RazMan - 4/9/07 at 04:29 PM

I feel your pain Gav ... or not in this case.
I was diagnosed with three prolapsed discs about three years ago and spent two years of physio with no effect. I had chronic nerve pain whenever I moved anything and had to use two sticks to get around the house. My doctor said that it was a deteriorating condition (Spondilosis) and I could only look forward to a wheelchair as my main mode od transport

Eventually I tried a Chiropractor (much against my doc's advice) and it was almost magical!
After about a month I could walk normally and more importantly I can now work on the car without being dosed up to the eyebrows on painkillers ..... which is nice.

[Edited on 4-9-07 by RazMan]

russbost - 4/9/07 at 05:12 PM

I had a similar problem, sacroilliac joint was out of place, doctor gave me anti-inflammatories & told me to come back in 3 weeks if not better (I'd have topped myself by then the pain was so bad) Went to see an osteopath later the same day & walked out of there like a normal person - well as normal as I ever am
Took a couple more sessions to get it completely right, but was worth every penny!

Catpuss - 4/9/07 at 05:23 PM

I twisted the right side of my pelvis up by about 5 to 10 degrees after a bike crash. The doc put me in for the local BUPA specialist on my request. He went down my spine assessing it (how I found I had a twisted pelvis). Gave me 6 weeks of 1 hr a week physio + some specific exersizes I had to do and all right as rain in weeks.

He said the main thing is the proper assessment first to determine the right exersize for the injury. The wrong type can knack it.

There is a specialist in Leicester Royal (IIRC) who says that dosing up on pain killers then going swimming is excellent for back problems that arn't too severe. You loose something like 2% of muscle a month resting your back which just makes the problem worse long term for some short term relief.

coozer - 4/9/07 at 05:24 PM

Well, I have suffered the pain in the back and leg cramps, toes curling up involuntary and all that. Jumping out of bed in teh middle of the middle, leg and buttock muscles twitching like mad!

Went to the doctor a couple of times, the first one sent me for an X ray and told me there was nothing wrong. I went back a few months later to a different doctor and he poked about in the spot on my right knee where you get the reflex action from. No movement or feeling on the right, plenty on the left.

He told me I had a chronic prolapsed disc that was pushing on the Sciatic nerve causing the pain.

He booked me a hospital appointment in the orthopedic department but within a couple weeks all my woes had gone.

Thats last year and I'm having no trouble at all now. However there is still no reaction from my left knee so I'm sympathetic when I do anything strenuous!

Just need to defeat the 'chronic' psoriasis now and I'll be laughing!

mitch2b - 4/9/07 at 06:28 PM

working on the car Gav?

when i saw you you were stood staring at it with your hands i ya pockets

glad you feeling better, wont be long now before its fired up


Avoneer - 4/9/07 at 06:38 PM

You still building???

You were ahead of me at one point!

Let me know if you need a hand with anything.


[Edited on 4/9/07 by Avoneer]

AdrianH - 4/9/07 at 07:05 PM

Hi Gav;

Sorry did not know about the problems, but glad to hear you on the mend, your car seems a bit further then when I came around a few months ago, I must admit I thought you would have been very close to finish now.

Going to the Poachers on Thursday?



MikeRJ - 4/9/07 at 11:58 PM

Prolapsed Disk

I misread the the title initialy and was going to avoid opening the thread

Glad to hear you are feeling better!

[Edited on 4/9/07 by MikeRJ]

Gav - 5/9/07 at 12:08 PM

Cheers chaps

I actually went to an oestopath and it really helped, the biggest thing that helped was i started walking to work!

higgsti - 6/9/07 at 05:52 PM

recently had a visit to a chiropractor in bolton who is in the process of sorting me out .in the last 2 years 4 crashes non my fault
head on collision with drunk driver at rivington bolton caused whiplash which is still ongoing with pins and neddles in right hand

someone pulled out of a car park onto road i was on

was in a mates westy as passenger and he crashed it damage all down passenger

one month ago hit while stationary at lights in my van by guy in transit pick up carrying turf on back .bad back ever since .weekend working on car back was aching woke monday coughed and couldnt move .so far ive spent over 1k on physio which was a waste of time .chiropractor 3 visits and feeling better already she says my bodies had a lot of abuse .believe me you have my sympathy .walking is the best excersise for lower back pain she tells me along with ice for 20 mins 3 times a day

[Edited on 6/9/07 by higgsti]