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Does anyone know what I want for Christmas?
Guinness - 22/12/07 at 11:33 AM

Because I don't?

I've been round the shops buying for everyone else and that bit is easy. But now I've got SWIMBO asking me what I want for Christmas. She also pointed out that non of my other relatives know what to get me either.

So, gentlemen, I'd appreciate your thoughts on useful gadgets, wotsits, thingimys etc. Locost presents that they could get in the shops, no mail order stuff.

Please help me, otherwise I'm going to end up with socks!



Paradoxia0 - 22/12/07 at 11:35 AM

I know the feeling! I have no idea what I want so I just suggested gift vouchers (rather than socks!)

stevec - 22/12/07 at 11:40 AM

What about them all chipping in for one of those track days where you get to drive a range of tasty cars?

graememk - 22/12/07 at 11:43 AM

you want a power ball

Humbug - 22/12/07 at 11:43 AM

Vouchers for Halfrauds or Amazon

Mini maglite

Haynes manuals, e.g.:

Owners workshop manual for Man ry_rn=10152

Woman Manual (for men)

Dad (if you are one)


Agriv8 - 22/12/07 at 11:58 AM

Set of ratcheting spanners from halfords SWMBO bought some for my B'day and they are excelent.



[Edited on 22/12/07 by Agriv8]

worX - 22/12/07 at 12:09 PM

For my B'day, a couple days ago, I was given (the promise of!) cash to go toward a track day for next year, since I haven't been able to afford one in the car yet!!!

It's hard cos everyone is always concerned with xmas, so my bday pressies have always been a bit of a head scratcher!

AGRIV8, that reminds me - I bought some of those a few weeks ago, Used the 10mm once and noticed the outer plating was coming off!!! I'm gonna take them back as thats a bit shocking for brand new spanners, even for Halfords...


ewan - 22/12/07 at 12:18 PM

Be careful for what you ask for......!

For my birthday I wanted a crash helmet, told the kids and my wife that's what i wanted.....what did i get.

PIANO lessons (you figure)

Jasper - 22/12/07 at 12:21 PM

A Pioneer 42" Plasma screen - and NOPE, I'm not gonna get one either

My missus has been asking me for weeks and I've no idea, last year I needed up with a mushroom impregnated log, it's not the magic kind and it still hasn't sprouted yet ......

zilspeed - 22/12/07 at 12:45 PM

A meqasquirt kit ?

That would keep you occupied :-)

onzarob - 22/12/07 at 12:52 PM

I've got the Haynes roadster book coming This year me and Mrs Onzarob bought a fireplace and new carpet instead of buying stuff we didn't need. Boring but at least its not going on ebay by February

[Edited on 22-12-2007 by onzarob]

Mr Whippy - 22/12/07 at 01:23 PM

I'm the easiest person in the world to get presents for, I away have a big list of things to buy for the cars

smart51 - 22/12/07 at 01:46 PM

There are loads of things that I want, but she doesn't buy tools or parts She want to buy me things she likes.

TimC - 22/12/07 at 02:46 PM

My other half's paying for flash carbon bits!

Confused but excited. - 22/12/07 at 05:30 PM

When you can't decide, cash always works.

martyn_16v - 22/12/07 at 06:56 PM

I actually want socks, i'm starting to run out. I don't think i've ever actually bought any myself

GeorgeM - 22/12/07 at 07:09 PM

How about a years supply of lottery tickets???

Agriv8 - 23/12/07 at 10:01 PM

Originally posted by worX
For my B'day, a couple days ago, I was given (the promise of!) cash to go toward a track day for next year, since I haven't been able to afford one in the car yet!!!

It's hard cos everyone is always concerned with xmas, so my bday pressies have always been a bit of a head scratcher!

AGRIV8, that reminds me - I bought some of those a few weeks ago, Used the 10mm once and noticed the outer plating was coming off!!! I'm gonna take them back as thats a bit shocking for brand new spanners, even for Halfords...


Mine are ok but have some rash marks ( Tool Abuse ~) spanner near MNR Marc and all whil become clear !!



iank - 23/12/07 at 10:26 PM

If you have the workshop space what about a second hand lathe.