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OMG i'm 31 today
graememk - 7/3/08 at 09:36 AM

please dont bother with birthday cards

just pay donations direct into my paypal account ..

arghghghghg 31 shite

balidey - 7/3/08 at 09:40 AM

All the best. 31 aint too bad. I'm allowed to say that as I'm 32.

Guinness - 7/3/08 at 09:41 AM

Yup, turning 31 is much harder than turning 30! When I was 29, everyone was going on about turning 30, but it didn't bother me in the least. But when I turned 31, I suddenly felt old!

Never mind, I think I'm 34 now, and still alive.

Happy Birthday anyway! Friday is a good day to have a birthday on! Shut up shop early and go and enjoy high speed vertical drinking, until heavily refreshed!



Paul TigerB6 - 7/3/08 at 09:41 AM

Happy Birthday Graeme.

So are you getting jelly and blamanche for tea tonight then, or is it just mucho alcohol??

[Edited on 7/3/08 by Paul TigerB6]

Mr Whippy - 7/3/08 at 09:48 AM

happy birthday

I'm 34 so you get no pity

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6

Happy Birthday Graeme.

So are you getting jelly and blamanche for tea tonight then, or is it just mucho alcohol??

or 50% proof jelly

[Edited on 7/3/08 by Mr Whippy]

mookaloid - 7/3/08 at 10:01 AM

Happy Birthday Graeme

DIY Si - 7/3/08 at 10:02 AM

Happy birthday from a representative of the kids that are on here! And I'm not even 25 yet! Any who, happy birthday, and good job it's a Friday too! Mucho beverage later on, I presume?

TGR-ECOSSE - 7/3/08 at 10:22 AM

Happy Birthday I was 41 two weeks ago All my mates are around the same age and we can still out party you youngsters

speedyxjs - 7/3/08 at 10:26 AM

Happy birthday. Im 21 so got a little way to go yet

ewan - 7/3/08 at 10:32 AM

Happy Birthday

If only I could remember that far back (47)....! thats 17155 days

Fozzie - 7/3/08 at 10:38 AM

Happy Birthday Graeme....

31 eh?....jeeze now that IS old!!!!!!!

Have a good'un

ATB Fozzie

worX - 7/3/08 at 11:20 AM

Happy Birthday mate!!!

Steve (22 - and 3652 days!)

tomblyth - 7/3/08 at 11:31 AM

its all down hill now !!!!!! next couple of years you'll be looking at zimmer frames ( I'll shut up now I'm 43 and feel it ! ) Girlfriends 33 she feels ___________ enough of that though !

t.j. - 7/3/08 at 11:37 AM

I'm 35, so you're YOUNG.

Happy birthday and up for the next.....

Doofus - 7/3/08 at 11:51 AM

It only seems a year ago that you were 30.

Your car finished yet?

onzarob - 7/3/08 at 11:51 AM

Happy Birthday, I'm 31 + 4.75

BenB - 7/3/08 at 12:09 PM

That's nothing I turned 33 yesterday

ch1ll1 - 7/3/08 at 01:43 PM

all the best !
wish i was 31 again !

hardassfunk - 7/3/08 at 02:30 PM

Im 28 and feel no different to when i was 21 for some bizzare reason im not looking forward to being 30 next year . . . .it just sounds "old"

[Edited on 7/3/08 by hardassfunk]

RazMan - 7/3/08 at 03:27 PM

So is it time for the yearly bath then? ....... whether you need it or not

Whippersnappers the lot of ya!

OX - 7/3/08 at 06:31 PM

happy birthday, snap out of it man ,,its just a number
im 33 but having more fun now than when i was 23,its just a shame i dont look it ,,damn laughter lines )

ASH3 - 7/3/08 at 08:08 PM

Happy birthday you old git from the boss
Well whats with this 30s lark everyone must be lyin about there age
Im not gonna lie im 46 n proud of lookin 30 ish. Find you all out at Stoneliegh.
Guess my partners exact age n win a MK
Beanie hat.

stevebubs - 7/3/08 at 08:28 PM

30, 31 and 32 depressed me...

Have to wait until next year to see if 33 does the same

graememk - 7/3/08 at 11:11 PM

Originally posted by ASH3
Happy birthday you old git from the boss
Well whats with this 30s lark everyone must be lyin about there age
Im not gonna lie im 46 n proud of lookin 30 ish. Find you all out at Stoneliegh.
Guess my partners exact age n win a MK
Beanie hat.

well i've met her and she looks about 32..... you know my address to send the hat to.