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pinto to polo rad
M$RK_VXRD - 24/7/10 at 02:08 AM

im wanting to repipe the pinto but unsure on which way is best to repipe it!

i have searched threads but there are lots of ways people have done it!

could some one pls recommend the best way to pipe up the pinto with the header tank?

dogwood - 24/7/10 at 06:53 AM

This is how I did it.
Excuse the dodgy diagram

Stott - 24/7/10 at 10:02 AM

Thermostat to top of rad

Pump to bottom of rad

Header tank output teed into bottom rad hose

bleed from top of rad teed into any other bleeds from thermostat housing for instance, then connected to top of header tank

small connection on pump to heater, then from heater to inlet manifold, or if no heater, straight from pump to inl man

M$RK_VXRD - 27/7/10 at 07:22 AM

ok thanx guys

DaveFJ - 29/7/10 at 01:44 PM

having now got mine working great - after a lot of trouble......

t/stat housing to top of polo rad
bottom of plo rad to pump
bottom of header tank to pump
rad overflow to top of header tank
i have no other connection on my t/stat housing and have blanked the manifold take off as i have no heater.

Also (and i think most importantly) my t/stat housing pointed up at 45 degrees, i cut&shut it using lumiweld so now it comes out horizontally.

also built a simple ally duct on the back of the rad to mount the fan so that it sucks across the whole thing.

rarely goes above 90 now even when hammered