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Rover to Which Ford Gearbox
Kitlooney1000 - 27/3/05 at 09:59 AM

Just a thought, anyone have any ideas as to which rover k or t series engines fit to which Ford boxes?
And also whether any other mods are needed?
Have searched but can only find V8's

[Edited on 27/3/05 by Kitlooney1000]

britishtrident - 27/3/05 at 10:59 AM

The K series will mate to a type 9 with a special bellhousing altough it has also be reported that it can be done using and adpator plate and the type 9 fom a a V6 model eith the bellhousing from an inline 4 type 9 -- I can't verify this. K series to type 9 is quite a common conversion for MG Midgets, Morris Minors and Marinas.

It should be possible to mate a type 9 to a T series as the type 9 has been fitted to MGBs but is should be easier to use a Sherpa gearbox see this article

However i should add although the M16/T16 is my favourite engine it is too dammed heavy for a Locost sized car,.

[Edited on 27/3/05 by britishtrident]

Humbug - 27/3/05 at 09:46 PM

I have mated up a 1.4 K series to a normal 5-speed Type 9 with an alloy bellhousing from Fisher Sportscars. Mark Fisher also supplied me with the clutch, release arm, etc. I now have the whole thing bolted together, though not in the car yet. It was all fairly easy, except that I had to wield the angle grinder to get the starter motor fitted.

JoelP - 27/3/05 at 10:06 PM

a long time ago i spent a lot of effort working out what box would go onto a t16 engine. I was told on the rover forums ( ) that there were a few options for direct fits, ISTR that it was an LT77 or an R370, or somesuch box. A search for any posts by me should throw it up, as i never posted anything else there!


[Edited on 27/3/05 by JoelP]

scotty g - 28/3/05 at 12:39 PM

Hi, as already mentioned, the k-series will mate to a type9 box with a special bell housing. There are a few companies making these, i believe Fisher Sports cars get theirs from Titan for about £170 (01480 474402). RobinHood Sports Cars have mated Rovers 2litre T-series engine directly to Fords MT75 box and bell housing but they did shave quite a bit off the front of the bell housing in order to make it fit and there has been some concern as to the strength of what is left. I don't know of any other combinations being used at the moment.

NS Dev - 29/3/05 at 08:04 PM

Obvious one for the K-series is Cat*rh*m!! Or am I being stupid!?

mackie - 30/3/05 at 10:45 AM

Caterham have their own box don't they? From what I've heard it's v expensive.
Did they use Type 9s before they developed their own?

stressy - 30/3/05 at 07:19 PM

Caterham bh suits the long input shaft t9 box, it also has the clutch release arm exit high rather than lo.

andyps - 30/3/05 at 08:35 PM

Caterham do their own box, a six speeder. It doesn't quite fit the description Locost though!

NS Dev - 30/3/05 at 09:43 PM

Yes, but the Cater*am box is based on the Ford type 9 and fits wherever the Ford does. Brian Hill (aka BGH geartech) actually did a lot of the development of the c2rum box from the Ford Type 9.