posted on 27/9/09 at 05:39 PM |
Help with i-tunes
I got an ipod for my birthday.
I already had all my music CD's copied onto my computer as MP3's. They were and still are all in "normal" album format.
But when i-tunes converted them, it looks like it's scrambled them!? Any compilation album is now split into 14 different albums ?
How do I sort it out??
posted on 27/9/09 at 05:54 PM |
In advanced preferences there is a checkbox called something like "Group compilations when browsing"
posted on 27/9/09 at 07:33 PM |
HIJACK of thread
When I buy from itunes they are AAC files and not MP3 how do I play them on a non iPod.
Or where can I buy music as MP3 thought I tunes was the place to get music legally
Scot's do it better in Kilts.
MK INDY's Don't Self Centre Regardless of MK Setting !