Poll: Which way are you voting? [Back to Voting]
Torry 38 (0%) -»
Labour 6 (0%) -»
Lib dems 17 (0%) -»
Green 1 (0%) -»
UKIP 4 (0%) -»
BNP 15 (0%) -»
Other 3 (0%) -»
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Author: Subject: Which way are you voting?

posted on 9/4/10 at 06:18 PM Reply With Quote
Which way are you voting?

Just interested in which way people are voting and thought it would be interesting to see how the locostbuilders collective will compare to the actual results?

I`m personally voting Tory, sick of Labour!


[Edited on 9/4/10 by turbodisplay]

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posted on 9/4/10 at 06:59 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by turbodisplay
Which way are you voting?

usually with a cross

(or is it a tick?)

Dutch bears have terrible skin due to their clogged paws

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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:02 PM Reply With Quote
Honestly, I've not decided yet. This time it's really a case of who's the least worst

[Edited on 9/4/10 by bilbo]


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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:11 PM Reply With Quote
sorry but why do you want to know?

please can we keep the election out of locsotbuilders? It's bad enough as it having it forced on us the Beeb, twonks knocking on my door (hence we are hiding under the table upstrairs wihtou having it on hjere.

thank you for you kind cooperation.

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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:15 PM Reply With Quote
not much point in voteing as the government always get in.

If i was to vote i would like a change so Libs fo my X.

I can remember 15% mortgage rates under torys so would.nt ever go there

A pint for the gent and a white wine/fruit based drink for the lady. Those are the rules

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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:18 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by 02GF74
sorry but why do you want to know?

please can we keep the election out of locsotbuilders? It's bad enough as it having it forced on us the Beeb, twonks knocking on my door (hence we are hiding under the table upstrairs wihtou having it on hjere.

thank you for you kind cooperation.

Er... ahem... linky

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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:20 PM Reply With Quote
ther is a option missing and that is not voting

i have not voted for the last 14 years they ar all liars and toerags


Puddle Dodgers Club

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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:23 PM Reply With Quote
Well ... I have surprised myself .... I made a list of what was important to me......things like, getting out of 'Europe', grabbing back control of our Borders/immigration... taking back control of our laws, therefore courts ... and more...then crossed referenced my values by looking at this drop down list of parties, just to see which 'party' came close to my ideals...... clicky looky here ... I was surprised.... The party I usually vote for didn't match my 'values' one little bit!


'Racing is Life!...anything before or after is just waiting'....Steve McQueen

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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:24 PM Reply With Quote
who are the 4 racists then


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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:29 PM Reply With Quote
Not all of us live in England.

All the parties don't want to talk about the real issue why are some many of our young men getting killed in a country that is the anus of the world. Instead they would rather try and get elected on what are forced by the nature of world financial events to identical policies.

Clegg strikes me as cross between Tony Blair and the late Malcolm Mclaren i.e. I would trust him just as much as I would trust Bernie Ecclestone or Max Mosley. Come back Charlie Kennedy your weren't so bad after all.

Cameron is just a cloned version of Tony Blair he is truly gifted at beaming out insincerity.

Dear old Gordon is probably the most sensible and genuine of the three but has no charisma and has been stabbed in the back by so often by most of the wannabees leaders in his party it is a wonder he can still stand up.

In Scotland we have our own First Minister Alec ("the panda" Salmond, hardworking clever and sincere but often a little too much of a pacifist and liberal leftie in the american sense of the word and most of his party really want take a chain saw to the UK and erect border posts at Gretna and Berwick-upon-Tweed.

[Edited on 9/4/10 by britishtrident]

[I] “ What use our work, Bennet, if we cannot care for those we love? .”
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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:31 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by DRC INDY 7
ther is a option missing and that is not voting

i have not voted for the last 14 years they ar all liars and toerags

I haven't voted for 40 years and I don't think that I will start now.

As others have said they are the biggest bunch of liars & thieves. Say one thing, do another.

Who would I vote for? on reflection probably controversially BNP; at least you know where you stand with them.

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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:33 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by se7en
Originally posted by DRC INDY 7
ther is a option missing and that is not voting

i have not voted for the last 14 years they ar all liars and toerags

I haven't voted for 40 years and I don't think that I will start now.

As others have said they are the biggest bunch of liars & thieves. Say one thing, do another.

Who would I vote for? on reflection probably controversially BNP; at least you know where you stand with them.

Or should it be know where you hang with them.

[I] “ What use our work, Bennet, if we cannot care for those we love? .”
― From BBC TV/Amazon's Ripper Street.

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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:46 PM Reply With Quote
I would like to see a stab at full independence for Scotland during my lifetime... I just think there's more chance of a smaller nation being increasingly progressive and reacting to the need for change a lot quicker than the lumbering behemoth that is the UK.

I worked in Bosnia as an advisor some time ago as part of a multi-national task-force and we all used to get so frustrated by the fragmented nature of the country post-Dayton. One nation, but three separate entities and two of those entities were further broken down into numerous Cantons or Security Centres. Bloomin complicated we thought and sooo obstructive to change!

But then one of my Turkish colleagues asked me about the UK... he asked me if the UK and GB were the same... I explained the difference. He then asked if Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales were countries... I explained the situation. He than asked how our countries were broken down and I ran through that side of things. It then occurred to me how absolutely chaotic our situation was here. Far far worse than that in Bosnia (but eased somewhat by the lack of the sheer hatred for each other that existed in the Balkan state!).

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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:53 PM Reply With Quote
The problem with race, nationality and immigration issues is the only party that wants to discuss it are the extremists and even they pretend not to.

The others are too frightened by it because they know to bring the subject into public debate is political suicide.

The first sign of how dangerous it was came with the Nottinghill race riots of 1958 but it was Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech almost a decade later that really made politicians clench their bottoms.

Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech actually wasn't racist although it was made from the perspective of a man of his generation steeped in the old empire loyalist view. Powell got hounded out of his party and as a result was taken up by some pretty unsavory company. By calling Powell a racist they effectively made him into one.

The truth is this country has always had immigration it has been seen as a threat to the nation but in the end the immigrants vanished into the population it turned out not to be such a threat after all.

[I] “ What use our work, Bennet, if we cannot care for those we love? .”
― From BBC TV/Amazon's Ripper Street.

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posted on 9/4/10 at 07:58 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by cd.thomson
who are the 4 racists then

I'm sure they'll all be along soon to confirm their identity ITT.


The mental gymnastics a landlord will employ to justify immoral actions is clinically fascinating. Just because something is legal doesn't make it moral.

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posted on 9/4/10 at 08:13 PM Reply With Quote
Large (print) swearing removed.

If you want to read Mango's post (and are not offended by bad language) click here


[Edited on 4/10/2010 by ChrisW]

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posted on 9/4/10 at 08:21 PM Reply With Quote
The result is very intresting, mostly because of just how clear cut the leader is so far, Its also intresting that most of the posts in this thread seem to be from people apposed to the Conservative and Unionist party (To give it it's full name), also intresting that the option is spelt wrong, only one R, in Tory.

I'll be voting Tory, to be honest Ashford is a safe seat so it won't make any difference who I vote for, and labour and Lib dems always put up a poo candidate so as not to waste one who might actually have a chance somewhere else, Last time Labours Candidate was a carpet bagger from Lancashire who moved here for the election if I remember rightly.

In a White Room, With Black Curtains, By the Station.

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posted on 9/4/10 at 08:50 PM Reply With Quote
What interests me is how people here will compare to the actual votes.
As for being sick of the election news, it is only another few weeks, then nothing for four (or five if GB gets in) Years.


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posted on 9/4/10 at 09:30 PM Reply With Quote
Can you edit/cut out the swearing please guys?......Thank you

'Racing is Life!...anything before or after is just waiting'....Steve McQueen

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posted on 9/4/10 at 10:30 PM Reply With Quote
I'll be voting for David Cameron because I think he has the highest level of integrity and honesty of the lot of them and the best chance of making real change. You can tell that he has a sense of trepidation about what lies ahead of him which I think is a healthy thing.

A revolution every now and then is a healthy thing - time for some fresh thinking!

Have a look at this survey. You might find you have more in common with the conservatives than you thought! Don't hold stupid grudges about how you might have suffered in the 1990's due to high interest rates - that was 20 years ago for Christ's sake and the current economic crisis is the worst since the 1930's!!

To those who don't vote - this is your democracy! If you don't believe in democracy then fair enough but if you do then please reconsider voting because unless you do vote then democracy is worthless. Don't use apathy as an excuse. MP's are not all cheats and liars, they are just the same as you and I and make mistakes sometimes.

Vote for who you agree with most, whoever that might be!

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posted on 9/4/10 at 10:42 PM Reply With Quote
If I thought for one minute giving UKIP my vote would get them a majority, they'd get it, unfortunately it would be one less vote to a "big" party"meaning that Gormless Gord would get back in (along with the pigs that take so much for so little).

And as a taxpayer - in the way that the civil service isn't (irrespective of how undervalued/underpaid/overworked certain individuals within are) - it's funds come from private businesses tax and their employees taxes, I won't be amused if Gormless gets in, and may well have to take my taxes to another country.

My vote for UKIP has nowt to do with racism, but everything to do with retaining our financial/governmental independence from Europe.

Otherwise what a waste of effort the last two world wars would have been.

And Gordo said we could have a referendum on it. Looked like he'd have lost, so sulked. Or just lied (again)!



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posted on 9/4/10 at 10:55 PM Reply With Quote
I know I couldn't afford a house when Conservatives were in and I've bought and paid for one under Labour. When all your rights as a worker have been undermined and the guaranteed minimum wage removed in the interest of shareholder payouts you will realise how little you have in common with true Conservatives. If you work for a living you are working class to them and grist for their mill.

yours, Pete

I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.

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posted on 9/4/10 at 11:22 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Simon
If I thought for one minute giving UKIP my vote would get them a majority, they'd get it, unfortunately it would be one less vote to a "big" party"meaning that Gormless Gord would get back in (along with the pigs that take so much for so little).

And as a taxpayer - in the way that the civil service isn't (irrespective of how undervalued/underpaid/overworked certain individuals within are) - it's funds come from private businesses tax and their employees taxes, I won't be amused if Gormless gets in, and may well have to take my taxes to another country.

My vote for UKIP has nowt to do with racism, but everything to do with retaining our financial/governmental independence from Europe.

Otherwise what a waste of effort the last two world wars would have been.

And Gordo said we could have a referendum on it. Looked like he'd have lost, so sulked. Or just lied (again)!



+1.... Well said ...

Pete..yes it was very hard back when the Tories were in...for a while.....but that was because they had been left with a mahoosive debt, especially to the IMF that Labour had racked up......much the same as when the new government gets in next month (assuming it is not Labour), it is going to be very very tight to try and repay the debt Labour have racked up this time .... and whoever gets in will be as unpopular as the Tories were back then, for the same reason ....The debts that have to be paid back affect us all.

Yes mortgages and borrowing was easier under Labour, they didn't have such a large deficit of debt to pay back when they took power.....but then.....look where all of that 'borrowing' under Labour has got us now..

The Labour party isn't the saviour of the ordinary working man it once was..it is now 'New Labour', another guise for communism....

The above views are IMHO of course.....


'Racing is Life!...anything before or after is just waiting'....Steve McQueen

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Mark Allanson

posted on 10/4/10 at 12:39 AM Reply With Quote
Historically labour have racked up massive debt and the conservatives have paid it back, then labour have racked up massive debt and the conservatives have paid it back, labour have racked up massive debt and the conservatives have paid it back, labour have racked up massive debt and the conservatives have paid it back, labour have racked up massive debt and the conservatives have paid it back, labour have racked up massive debt and the conservatives have paid it back, labour have racked up massive debt and the conservatives have paid it back, labour have racked up massive debt and the conservatives have paid it back, labour have racked up massive debt and the conservatives have paid it back..............................................................................

If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation

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Jon Ison

posted on 10/4/10 at 08:12 AM Reply With Quote
Ok, instead of going into "slagging off someone else mode" convince me Mr David Camerroooooooon is the one me ?

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