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MY 1st Drive of 2008
JAG - 13/1/08 at 10:28 PM

Took the car out on Saturday morning. It was clear and cold where I lived so I headed towards Broadway Tower and Fish hill - HERE. The road up Fish hill is superb; twisting, steep and two lanes.

It's about 15 miles from me, but it seems they had slightly different weather

12/1/2008 @ Broadway Tower
12/1/2008 @ Broadway Tower

The hill had been closed the night before because of the snow and general slippy conditions. I only had one slightly sideways moment on the way up. Going down I just left the car in neutral and coasted down - I was still doing 40mph or so but it was much more controllable. Took a couple of other pictures.

12/1/2008 @ Broadway Tower
12/1/2008 @ Broadway Tower

12/1/2008 @ Broadway Tower
12/1/2008 @ Broadway Tower

Great fun, I'm so pleased that I taxed it for 12 months

tjoh84 - 13/1/08 at 10:32 PM

looks fun lol

jrevillug - 13/1/08 at 11:59 PM

Nice looking car- clean lines without the lumps and bumps of so many other cars.

Paradoxia0 - 14/1/08 at 12:25 AM


And I am nervous taking mine out in the damp

Can't wait for my first drive of the year....


BenB - 14/1/08 at 08:52 AM

You must have the self-control of a saint. I'd have gone for sideways-slidey action and driven into a lamp-post after about 10 yards

JAG - 14/1/08 at 08:59 AM

Thanks for all the generous comments guys - I really appreciate it

As for self-control; I haven't got much and did have a little sideways 'play' once up the main hill. I didn't have a go on the hill simply because everyone plus his wife, kids and the dog were rushing up the hill to play in the snow on top. Lot's of tin-tops abandoned on the side of the hill as well

It's difficult to believe how bad it was when it was bone dry but frosty just 15 miles away where I live.

neilj37 - 27/1/08 at 07:19 PM

Took my car out for its first drive of 2008 this afternoon. It felt great to get out in the car again.

I had quite few people pointing at me as I drove past and loads of kids waving.

Chazzy - 27/1/08 at 09:30 PM

first drive out today as well, i think its the first day of dry roads we've has for ages, AND you didn't need to wear gloves to retain any feeling.
Note to self: cold tyres and hard turns = worries and smiles in that order.
managed to go well on last years fuel as well.
I hoped the blast would blow the accumulated dust off. ho hum, job for next w/end

just noticed post 100! woohoo

[Edited on 27/1/08 by Chazzy]

macdave69 - 28/1/08 at 11:44 AM

Took the Christmas tinsel off the car and went out today.
Felt good to be back out

RK - 29/1/08 at 01:25 AM

Um, leaving your car in neutral and coasting down icy roads is a recipe for disaster. The key is to put it into a gear that is not too tall, or you get going too fast, followed by the "too late" braking technique, and off the road you and yours go. Don't ask me how I know these things; just check where I live.