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Donnington Show...
John.Taylor - 11/9/07 at 12:56 PM

Does anyoe know whether you'll be able to get between the kit car show and the VSCC event at Donnington this weekend?

I've been to Donnington many times, but only once when two seperate events have been run at the same time. This was when a European GT meeting coincided with an auto jumble, the GT event getting the track, infield and grandstands and the autojumble getting the 'carpark' on the outside of Redgate.

From the VSCC website I gather that they have the track booked all weekend and seeing as this is their blue ribbon event, I'll assume that they have the pits and grandstands too.

Anyone know where the kit car event will be and what are the chances of sneaking between the two on one ticket?

andybod - 11/9/07 at 07:01 PM

looking at the price of the tickets for vscc races i wouldn't think so but i hope i'm wrong as i'de like to see some of the racing

westindy - 13/9/07 at 11:20 AM

do i assume from your comments that the manufacters will not be able to demonstrate via track rides? - sat or sunday.

Rgds, Paul