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2003 R1 Engine Rebuild
johnny chimpo - 1/4/15 at 12:41 PM

Hi All,

Can anyone recommend who I could speak to about getting my 2003 R1 Engine rebuilt? After a lengthy lay off from my car I've started to get the bug for it again and have decided to get the engine rebuilt (along with a massive list of other work) before I start using the car again.

Never having rebuilt a bike engine before (or a car engine for that matter), is it something that I should be putting to a specialist to do, or is it something that I could relatively easily do myself?

Also what would be a rough idea of cost for an engine rebuild?

I am based near Glasgow so any recommended engine builders near me that I could speak to would be excellent, if not I am happy to travel within reason to get the job done right!

Sorry for the many many questions, just trying to sus out the best option.

Thank you as always for any help!

wylliezx9r - 1/4/15 at 01:08 PM

I would workout the cost of the rebuild compared to the cost of a replacement bare engine. These days it usually works out cheaper to buy a replacement engine.

CosKev3 - 1/4/15 at 01:46 PM

I think the crank is the main issue,as you can't get them reground if it's worn.

So estimating a price until the engine is stripped is pointless.

adithorp - 1/4/15 at 02:19 PM

Is there a problem with it?

Rebuild could well be approaching the cost of a replacment engine, if it's a standard motor. Personally I'd gowith "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

If you do go for it anyway, I can recommend Kev Stevenson near Ormskirk, Lancs, but it's probably a bit too far from you.

ReMan - 1/4/15 at 03:22 PM

Ditto, unless theres a particular problem to fix, or specific mods to make, then a proper refresh would likely cost you the price of a low mileage engine.

johnny chimpo - 1/4/15 at 04:45 PM

Thanks for the replies guys!

There is nothing wrong with my engine, the rest of the car is undergoing an extensive rework so thought it would be a good time to give the engine a refresh.

Knowing my luck I will finally get it back on the road and blow up the engine the following week hence my idea for the refresh.

Is there anything I should do to the engine as some preventative maintenance (apart from the usual oil and filter)?

I notice there is a r1 "race engine" on eBay just now, but not sure if going from a working engine to a totally unknown one would be a good idea?

motorcycle_mayhem - 1/4/15 at 09:32 PM

IF you mean the Ebay R1 engine 04-06, ca. £1500, the you may need to acquire a few more things.... It's the 5VY unit, a very desirable lump in a kit/race car.

You've said that you've got a 2003 engine, I suspect therefore a 5PW(?), certainly a good improvement on the 4XV, fits the gap between that and the 5VY. Contemplating a 5VY would mean an ECU and a rewire, not a great issue, it's all very, very simple.

The Ebay unit (as with all Ebay units), has me a bit worried. The vendor can't state the piston type, which clearly indicates he doesn't know. Again, its probably been crashed/abused/buggered, or it's good...... hmmm... no generator...

The 5VY requires aftermarket rods, the originals are quite OK, until you hit the circuit. The OE big ends are cracked, instead of machined, so it's easy to spot an aftermarket rod. The gearbox dogs are low quality chocolate (though not these from Nova), the wear alarmingly. Clutches are generally OK, they slip when worn, the baskets don't tend to explode. The HC pistons are a good thing, but fuel quality needs to be good (Moto4T). The noise from these tuned motors is insane, they thrive on revs, power all the way. If your ears are near the induction system, tinnitus awaits. These engines are almost indestructible, requiring no oil control systems, just a baffle plate.

I do have a genuine, genuinely fresh full fat 5VY R1, steel rods, HC pistons, etc. etc., holding class records, paperwork from the engine builder. All ready to go, fantastic unit. Not locost.

I also have a very fresh 5VY R1 in the back of a road-going R1oT, virtually no miles.

I need to sell the race engine, the road engine and the car (with either engine). If any of these appeal..... by September. P/X anything that's EPA (California) compliant, e.g. a shippable motorcycle.