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Halifax car insurance auto renewal scam now gone to debt collection
Mr Whippy - 20/9/13 at 04:25 PM

Other bluebird is SORN'd and has no road tax, didn't stop Halifax insurance from trying to keep the policy going another year and charged me £40, they tried to do this through my card details but I got a new card so that didn't work. So they cancelled the policy and trying to claim for the time inbetween.

Not sure that's even legal but now they've got a debt reclaim company trying to recover the amount

Won't be touching that crowd with a barge pole, you've been warned

ReMan - 20/9/13 at 04:39 PM

halifax would not know whether it wqs sorned or even scrapped.
Did you not get ANy renewal post or email though?

r1_pete - 20/9/13 at 04:49 PM

It seems to be one of the latest scams, AA have been doing it for a while, Footman James do it on my Jag insurance, but they always eMail first.

They offer you a carrot to go automatic renewal, and hope you'll forget, and ignore the reminder when the hike the premium in the second year,

Mr Whippy - 20/9/13 at 04:56 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
halifax would not know whether it wqs sorned or even scrapped.
Did you not get ANy renewal post or email though?

Yeah got a reminder when I was on holiday then forgot about it

ReMan - 20/9/13 at 05:35 PM

Ben_Copeland - 20/9/13 at 06:47 PM

So it's your own fault for not cancelling your insurance when the renewal stated it would auto renew!

Hardly a scam!

Scuzzle - 20/9/13 at 07:39 PM

I always use a debit card under someone elses name to pay stuff like this now. I had a similar experience with an insurance company once as well as the RAC.
My wife has a debit card in her name only as well as the joint ones so I use that and or I use my parents debit card and just hand them the cash.
If it's not your name on the card they can't auto renew on you as they are not allowed to.

markyb - 21/9/13 at 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Scuzzle
I always use a debit card under someone elses name to pay stuff like this now. I had a similar experience with an insurance company once as well as the RAC.
My wife has a debit card in her name only as well as the joint ones so I use that and or I use my parents debit card and just hand them the cash.
If it's not your name on the card they can't auto renew on you as they are not allowed to.

I like your style - love it when someone finds a way round shrewd business practices

blakep82 - 21/9/13 at 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Originally posted by ReMan
halifax would not know whether it wqs sorned or even scrapped.
Did you not get ANy renewal post or email though?

Yeah got a reminder when I was on holiday then forgot about it

So, whats the scam? You didn't keep on top of your business?