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Morons who can't use motorways
martyn_16v - 11/2/09 at 11:41 AM

It's not hard.

1. If there's space on your left, move into it.
2. The slip road is not a give way junction. You need to accelerate up to the traffic speed, they aren't going to stop and let you in.

oh, and 3. Get out of my way you spacktard

Peteff - 11/2/09 at 12:05 PM

Originally posted by martyn_16v
It's not hard.

1. If there's space on your left, move into it.
2. The slip road is not a give way junction. You need to accelerate up to the traffic speed, they aren't going to stop and let you in.

oh, and 3. Get out of my way you spacktard

1. Sod that there are lorries in there and when one pulls out to overtake it takes 4 miles
2. Filter in between the traffic don't try to race to get in front, I will not be able to get into the other lane every time you want to come in.

Sorry but I had a taxi driver alongside me on the hard shoulder for 1/2 mile till he realised I meant it when I pointed out that the middle lane was full as well. He obviously had the option of pulling in behind me but that wasn't good enough. I hate Sheffield taxi drivers.

[Edited on 11/2/09 by Peteff]

DarrenW - 11/2/09 at 12:17 PM

Slip roads - it amazes me too how many people think they have right of way to pull onto the motorway and everyone else has to get out of the way. If the middle lane is free do you legally have to pull over to let someone on slip road in?

Biggest issue on all roads these days is people not being aware of their surroundings and haveing a modicum of consideration towards other drivers. How often have you been in middle lane, wagon a fair way in front. You approach it, again with distance and find you cany pull out due to car slowly coming past you in outside lane, or too close for you to allow them enough braking distance if you did pull out, only to have to brake and slow right down because they couldnt read the road. i know you wouldnt have right of way in this instance, but some common sense wouldnt go amiss.

cossey - 11/2/09 at 10:20 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW
Slip roads - it amazes me too how many people think they have right of way to pull onto the motorway and everyone else has to get out of the way. If the middle lane is free do you legally have to pull over to let someone on slip road in?

Biggest issue on all roads these days is people not being aware of their surroundings and haveing a modicum of consideration towards other drivers. How often have you been in middle lane, wagon a fair way in front. You approach it, again with distance and find you cany pull out due to car slowly coming past you in outside lane, or too close for you to allow them enough braking distance if you did pull out, only to have to brake and slow right down because they couldnt read the road. i know you wouldnt have right of way in this instance, but some common sense wouldnt go amiss.

that last one could be said to be your fault if you can foresee that it is going to happen then you have the opportunity to slow gently let the overtaking car pass you before you reach the car you wish to overtake or speed up and safely pull out in front.

think if you were in the outside lane doing 70 passed a car doing 65 how annoying it would be if they either pulled out forcing you to brake or expected you to slow to let them out.

on a seperate I still think anybody you cant drive at 70 in a car in clear weather and good traffic conditions should forfeit their licenses. i have yet to here a good reason why you should drive along at 65 when conditions allow you to go 70 without taking any appreciable risks.

Peteff - 11/2/09 at 10:56 PM

Originally posted by cossey
on a seperate I still think anybody you cant drive at 70 in a car in clear weather and good traffic conditions should forfeit their licenses. i have yet to here a good reason why you should drive along at 65 when conditions allow you to go 70 without taking any appreciable risks.

I'll take issue with that, as I don't always drive at 70 on motorways because it's sometimes too much hassle to keep dodging in and out of the lorries so I stay with them till they reach a slope and slow down then overtake. If you are doing 70 you will be sat in the middle lane annoying the people who want to do 80.

Steve P - 12/2/09 at 06:47 AM

Originally posted by martyn_16v
It's not hard.

1. If there's space on your left, move into it.
2. The slip road is not a give way junction. You need to accelerate up to the traffic speed, they aren't going to stop and let you in.

oh, and 3. Get out of my way you spacktard

Disclaimer: This was from overheard froma 21yr old female at the weekend.

1, Im not using the inside lane as thats the LOSER lane.

David Jenkins - 12/2/09 at 09:09 AM

If someone wants to do less than 70mph then that's their right - as long as they don't inconvenience others.

I would suggest that they do the same speed as the HGVs (80kph, or 56mph) or slightly more, as it's tough on the lorry drivers to have to pull out just because a car driver's not in a hurry.