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How fast?
02GF74 - 18/8/09 at 08:44 AM

9.57 seconds

Some while back I saw article in paper that worked out how fast/far/stong etc, the human being can run/lift etc .... anyone know what the limit is?

And will 9.5 seconds be broken.

Also he seemed to do fairly well in the Top Gear crappy car.

smart51 - 18/8/09 at 08:50 AM

Pundits say bolt could beat the 9.57 second time if only he tried harder. He apparently slowed down and looked around towards the end (again) to see how far ahead he was. They also claim his start is not too hot. It would seem that a bit of training and a concentration span of 10 seconds might see him break his own world record.

omega0684 - 23/8/09 at 04:01 PM

i believe its 9.58 not 9.57