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Nick Griffin on QT Tonight...
scootz - 22/10/09 at 11:12 AM

Will he be ripped apart by Jack Straw and Co. and be exposed as a racist moron with no workable policies, or will he win a new wave of voters with insightful comment?

cd.thomson - 22/10/09 at 11:20 AM

im dubious about whether his comments could ever be described as "insightful" but I don't think he will express his views the same way he does to just his party members.

scootz - 22/10/09 at 11:26 AM

I really shouldn't have, but this one brought a wry smile to my face... I still can't believe that anyone would deny the holocaust.

Bill McKay, from Hatfield, said: "Oh please let him say that Auschwitz was a chocolate biscuit factory and six million Jews hid themselves in a volcano or changed their name to McPherson."

scootz - 22/10/09 at 11:29 AM

Mr Griffin has been leader of the BNP since 1999 and was recently voted Britain's fourth most dangerous human after Prince Philip, Noel Edmonds and Cheryl Cole.

I'm not doubting the names of those involved, but I would have put Noel Edmonds at the top of that list!

carpmart - 22/10/09 at 11:57 AM

Originally posted by scootz
Mr Griffin has been leader of the BNP since 1999 and was recently voted Britain's fourth most dangerous human after Prince Philip, Noel Edmonds and Cheryl Cole.

I'm not doubting the names of those involved, but I would have put Noel Edmonds at the top of that list!

I would like to get 'dangerous' with Cheryl

coozer - 22/10/09 at 12:44 PM

I'm curious to see what he has to say as I'm skeptical about all the media hype atm. I think he gets a hard time from press and some dubious lobbys, he does not deserve the violence directed to him and I've no doubt the audience will ask him some probing questions...

If Cheryl is really that dangerous I'm just the man to keep her in restraints and making her 'submit'

cd.thomson - 22/10/09 at 01:34 PM

Originally posted by coozer
I think he gets a hard time from press

yeah, poor soul , i just want to give him a cuddle

gazza285 - 22/10/09 at 06:30 PM

Originally posted by scootz
racist moron with no workable policies

Other than being racist he sounds like any other politician.

flak monkey - 22/10/09 at 06:54 PM

I am finding it quite funny that probably the same protesters who cry out for free speech are currently standing outside TV centre in london shouting about the exact opposite.

He is as entitled to his opinion as much as any one else. I dont agree with it, but there you go, each to their own.

scootz - 22/10/09 at 07:00 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
I am finding it quite funny that probably the same protesters who cry out for free speech are currently standing outside TV centre in london shouting about the exact opposite.

He is as entitled to his opinion as much as any one else. I dont agree with it, but there you go, each to their own.

+1 They're protesting against a fascist, erm... in a fascist manner!

Ninehigh - 22/10/09 at 07:14 PM

+2, free speech as long as it's all happy hippy equal rights for everyone except if you're going to say something we disagree with BS.

Iirc is was Socrates (or some old Greek) who said true genuis lies in being able to accept someone else's argument without agreeing with it

GeorgeM - 22/10/09 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
+2, free speech as long as it's all happy hippy equal rights for everyone except if you're going to say something we disagree with BS.

Iirc is was Socrates (or some old Greek) who said true genuis lies in being able to accept someone else's argument without agreeing with it

what, like bec v cec


Ninehigh - 22/10/09 at 07:25 PM

Exactly, I understand that you think hairdryers are the best way to power a car, but I still know you're wrong

Just kidding I have no preference

Mark Allanson - 22/10/09 at 07:31 PM

How is it that a random group such as this can talk such common sense, when professional politicians can consistantly talk such utter boŁŁocks

in case of any misunderstanding - the random group is locostbuilders

[Edited on 23/10/09 by Mark Allanson]

GeorgeM - 22/10/09 at 08:01 PM

they didn't go to oxbridge or have a servant.

twybrow - 22/10/09 at 11:31 PM

Sorry, but how exactly was he talking common sense? I do think he got a pasting from the panel and audience, but I suspect he was expecting that!

Whilst I agree he has every right to is views, I can't say I share any of them.....

gazza285 - 23/10/09 at 03:25 AM

Nobody said he was?

02GF74 - 23/10/09 at 06:28 AM

so what happened? is it gonna be shown on iplayer or somat?

nothing worse than a fascist than a clever fascist - which one does he appear to be?

cd.thomson - 23/10/09 at 08:05 AM

it was really wierd OG, basically it was just a Nick Griffin bashing sesh. From the middle of the program to the end the format was basically:

1. topic introduced
2. take 3-5 comments from the audience calling Griffin an idiot
3. One of the panel is then called upon the rehash the comments into a broader slagging off
4. Nick Griffin is not given the opportunity to respond and has to communicate via head shaking.
5. Go to step 1.

P.s. hate the guy of course, but it didn't seem a very good platform for him to engage in debate.

smart51 - 23/10/09 at 09:06 AM

I've found this whole story quite disturbing. As far as I know, the BNP is a legal political party. The BBC have to treat political parties equally, according to their share of the vote. Therefore the BNP have to have a slot on political programmes once in a while.

Freedom of speech means that each person can choose what they say, so long as it is not inciteful or obscene. Angry mobs outside the BBC want to deny this because they don't like what this guy chooses to say. He is free to be a knob if he wishes. He has the right to say what he likes within the bounds of law. You are free to disagree with him but you have no right to shut him up. That's what freedom of speech is about.

This country would be a worse place if we start cutting people right to free speech. From what I hear about the BNP, let them speak - they're more likely to do harm to themselves than good.

woodster - 23/10/09 at 09:21 AM

I think it was a terrible performance from Jack Straw he looked more sheepish and worried than Nick Griffin ... to keep saying there is no immigration problem was laughable ..... i liked the line from Nick saying his Dad was in the RAF and fought in the 2nd world war buts Jacks Dad was locked up for refusing to fight ...... at least we can now talk about immigation without being called a racist .... take note i live in Bolton lancs and love my town and its multi cultural people.

[Edited on 23/10/09 by woodster]

scootz - 23/10/09 at 10:44 AM

Originally posted by cd.thomson
it was really wierd OG, basically it was just a Nick Griffin bashing sesh. From the middle of the program to the end the format was basically:

1. topic introduced
2. take 3-5 comments from the audience calling Griffin an idiot
3. One of the panel is then called upon the rehash the comments into a broader slagging off
4. Nick Griffin is not given the opportunity to respond and has to communicate via head shaking.
5. Go to step 1.

P.s. hate the guy of course, but it didn't seem a very good platform for him to engage in debate.


It was bizarre! There was no structure to it whatsoever - just a Nick Griffin slagging session! A completely worthless hour of TV!

scootz - 23/10/09 at 10:47 AM

Originally posted by woodster
..... i liked the line from Nick saying his Dad was in the RAF and fought in the 2nd world war buts Jacks Dad was locked up for refusing to fight ......

I had a wee snigger at that too! A little naughty by Mr Griffin, but Straw did leave himself wide open to it by extolling the virtues of all the "brave" non-Brits who fought and died whilst fighting Nazism... it wasn't until it was said that I remembered Straw's Dad was locked up for refusing to fight against the Nazi's.

MikeR - 23/10/09 at 11:43 AM

What difference does it make if Jacks dad was locked up?

Just meant Jacks dad was either a) too scared to fight or b) so principled he refused to give in up to including being imprisoned (and i imagine being imprisoned for not fighting would be quite tough during the WW2 - can't imagine many warders caring much for you).

On a personal level i felt for Nick - what he did took some guts, it must have been very very pressured for him.

I respect the BBC for standing to the right of freedom of speech and think Griffin / BNP should be allowed more air time as long as there are people there to point out the 'truth'.

What the BNP / Griffin says is very very calculated and careful. Its designed to appeal to people who are down & they target 'easy' groups.

I will not support the BNP and am glad that one of the two councillors we have in my area has stood down. I'm hoping that a non BNP person replaces them.

Let me ask you this - if we had a problem with immigration why is it that farmers can't get enough people to do seasonal work in the summer & we've got the highest level of unemployment for years? How can my company not find someone in the UK with the skills we require? (last person we hired was German and he's turned into probably one of the top 3 people in the team).

woodster - 23/10/09 at 12:05 PM

Originally posted by MikeR

Let me ask you this - if we had a problem with immigration why is it that farmers can't get enough people to do seasonal work in the summer & we've got the highest level of unemployment for years? How can my company not find someone in the UK with the skills we require? (last person we hired was German and he's turned into probably one of the top 3 people in the team).

I can only think that farmers aren't paying enough but probably because tesco and asda etc have screwed prices down .... your company would be better able to find skilled workers if like they do in Australia we cherry picked skilled people that wanted to live here rather than an open door policy that encourages latvian beggers and romanian gypsies ... just my opinion

Ninehigh - 23/10/09 at 12:07 PM

Cos we Brits don't work we get coked-up, lagered-up and then go out and stab someone. Hey if that person happens to be someone who's "stealing" the jobs we can't be arsed/can't think enough to do then bonus! Just make sure they're white though otherwise it'll be a hate crime and you'll be locked up for 20 million, er, seconds with nothing but a PS3, full sky package and a pool table[/sarchasm]

scootz - 23/10/09 at 06:35 PM

Griffin Complains re 'BBC Lynch Mob'

woodster - 24/10/09 at 08:58 AM

support goes up for BNP

flak monkey - 24/10/09 at 09:18 AM

Lol - rather silly

graememk - 24/10/09 at 11:01 AM

Originally posted by flak monkey
Lol - rather silly

pmsl that made me laugh...