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These Guys are Off-the-Wall.......literally!!
Daddylonglegs - 23/10/09 at 03:15 PM


clairetoo - 23/10/09 at 04:57 PM

That has to one of the most amazing things I have ever seen

David Jenkins - 23/10/09 at 05:08 PM

Must cost them a fortune in broken skis...

iank - 23/10/09 at 05:37 PM

Crazy crazy people.

Nash - 25/10/09 at 12:15 AM

Why is that any crazier then driving very fast in a car you have built yourself from predominately second hand parts?


iank - 25/10/09 at 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Nash
Why is that any crazier then driving very fast in a car you have built yourself from predominately second hand parts?


Well just one reason is that a stray gust of wind doesn't tend to kill you in a 7.

clairetoo - 25/10/09 at 06:10 PM

Originally posted by iank
Originally posted by Nash
Why is that any crazier then driving very fast in a car you have built yourself from predominately second hand parts?


Well just one reason is that a stray gust of wind doesn't tend to kill you in a 7.

And you are starting off a bit closer to the ground

rusty nuts - 25/10/09 at 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Nash
Why is that any crazier then driving very fast in a car you have built yourself from predominately second hand parts?


How often do you get to drive at 120MPH ?

Mr Whippy - 26/10/09 at 07:59 AM

that really is just asking to be turned to mince the first time they misjudge the ground

chrsgrain - 26/10/09 at 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
that really is just asking to be turned to mince the first time they misjudge the ground

That's why they do it.... Blue sky, black death...
