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So, who needs Health and Safety anyway!
David Jenkins - 16/6/11 at 09:17 AM

This is just plain scary...

Big shredder

indykid - 16/6/11 at 09:46 AM

Ooooh! Shredders!

Engine blocks - Om nom nom nom

That first one's like watching other people's kids get a bit too close to a bonfire

David Jenkins - 16/6/11 at 10:07 AM

Originally posted by indykid
That first one's like watching other people's kids get a bit too close to a bonfire

A good analogy! I couldn't help thinking of the result if someone got their hand a bit too close to those rollers...

Looking at the box those rollers are in, I'd guess that there's meant to be a great big chute bolted on top (a) to guide stuff in, and (b) to keep hands well away from the pointy bits.