Watch this lot...
WIMP link
I started thinking about the engineering that went into those wheels...
Have you seen the Falkirk Wheel?
That was pretty good, Dave!
That is very cool, i remember watching something like this live a few year back no way near as good!
I used to work in Blackpool Tower Circus during college holiday (summers and the odd Christmas) and saw a guy get killed on one of those things.
He slipped, fell, grabbed on as best he could (breaking both wrists) then got slammed into the ground at full force. The guy on the other side was
his brother, who could do nothing to slow it down/stop it in time and could only watch - a testiment to his own abilities that he didn't lose
concentration and fall himself. Both lads were in their early 20's.
Nasty stuff - I'll never watch an act using that aparatus again.