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Honda C90 from Malaysia to the UK!!
Jasongray5 - 3/5/12 at 10:55 AM

My Mate Ed March has always been a little bit odd.
Stuff like not shaving his face on UK soil and going out in fancy dress when it wasnt a fancy dress party... but, hes a bloody good bloke!
So, when he said he was going to ride his C90 around the world, we thought he was taking the piss. Its all to raise money for the Devon Air Ambulance, so he says!
Anyways, he's a link to his adventures thus far, hes in Dubai right now awaiting his bike to be released from customs!
Link to C90 adventures!
Also, here's a video he made while he was bored the other day. Dont open if the boss or kids are around Hitler finds out a C90 is riding around the world

[Edited on 3/5/12 by Jasongray5]

[Edited on 3/5/12 by Jasongray5]

whitestu - 3/5/12 at 01:12 PM

The video is excellent!

Is he getting any sponsorship from Morrison's?

Jasongray5 - 3/5/12 at 02:29 PM

Haha! Would love that to catch on and see a load of gs riders with shopping baskets for panniers!

Steve Hignett - 3/5/12 at 03:37 PM

Almost didn't watch it as there's been SO MANY of the Hitler video's, but that one was very good...

eznfrank - 3/5/12 at 04:15 PM

There's a book called "The long ride home" about a guy who rode a Honda CT110 from Sydney to London, worth reading if you can get a copy.

YQUSTA - 3/5/12 at 04:42 PM

Your mate sounds like a top bloke to me and I wish him all the luck with his adventures.

I too wasn't going to watch the video but it made me laugh a lot.

steve m - 3/5/12 at 05:30 PM

He sounds a real top bloke and i wish him all the very best

He is as nutty as a bag of frogs, but is he? NO!

my favorite line on his site is

The reason I have chosen Devon Air Ambulance as my charity is because quite simply, I am the kind of person that may need the to save my life at some point.

steve m - 3/5/12 at 05:36 PM

Ive just seen the hitler vid,
f ing brilliant, one of the best bits of humour ive seen or heard for years!

T66 - 3/5/12 at 06:59 PM

Love it ! - What a top notch adventure, we need a Locost en masse 3 month road trip, Bangkok to UK, start in June, and leave for the UK in September, home for the following summer.

Did you know air ambulances do not operate at night, other than patient transfers between airports (ie safely lit environments), if your unfortunate enough at night to be in the sh1t , the Police helicopter or RAF are the only people who will move you fast...

Air ambulances are a fantastic resource.....

Oh and the video is excellent, love the pop at the stereotypical GS riders, MX helmet & hard luggage, classic ....

[Edited on 3/5/12 by T66]

Jasper - 4/5/12 at 12:33 PM

The world needs more people like him - most envious

flibble - 4/5/12 at 12:35 PM

Most impressed by his 'best modification' video!