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I wonder if they give free samples...
David Jenkins - 9/12/12 at 10:58 AM

(Complete with our favourite nutty professor...)

TheGiantTribble - 9/12/12 at 11:07 AM

Mmmm wonders just how much explosive needed to 'blow the bloody doors off'

David Jenkins - 9/12/12 at 11:40 AM

I've been into the museum that's above that vault... they have a perspex case that you can reach into and actually touch a gold bar - they invite you to try and pick it up off its rests. The case only has a narrow tube for your arm and it's quite a reach, so your arm is fully extended when you're holding the bar (needless to say, there's no way to extract the bar!)

Not many people can get it even a few millimetres off the rests...

[Edited on 9/12/12 by David Jenkins]

02GF74 - 11/12/12 at 10:51 PM

for a perfesser, he is not very bright "I have never seen so much of any element" .... err, has he never been to the sea side or any large lake where this is vast amounts of the elements oxygen and hydrogen combined to form water??

(note he did not say any one element.

nice hiar though.

Is there any of that gold left, didn't Gorgo sell it off?

RK - 21/12/12 at 09:04 PM

He looks like Rowan Atkinson would with his hand in an electrical socket.

David Jenkins - 24/12/12 at 01:06 PM

More periodic table fun!


I particularly like the ones in the first column - Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs