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Crazy Busa video
Wadders - 4/2/05 at 10:47 AM


flak monkey - 4/2/05 at 11:37 AM

The a very wanted man from what i understand. He has done some rather silly videos driving down the autobahns with the cops chasing, but they have never been able to catch him. There are some rather hair raising videos of him available weaving between cars at 160mph+ so i have heard.


locogeoff - 4/2/05 at 12:24 PM

I've got the video and its scary, life on the edge I suppose.

There is some funny bits set to bluegrass banjo music when he's cycling down the road and gets pulled by a fed with a speed gun. Or the gsxr powered road going snow mobile sequence.

The rest of it is balls out passing cars every which way at high speeds on moderately crowded roads.

check out the speed the camera bike is doing and that thing just pops up on the back wheel and overtakes.

[Edited on 4/2/05 by locogeoff]

Hellfire - 4/2/05 at 04:39 PM

I have the dvd thanks to alistair... maybe I can cut some scenes and post them on the web if anyone is interested?

bigandy - 4/2/05 at 08:15 PM

I'm interested

Jim - 5/2/05 at 01:57 AM

His latest DVD is the first one where he go outside sweden. His stuff is done mainly around stockholm. On his first film he does a 45 mile run in under 15 minutes, when the road his clear, only th odd car, his speedo is stuck on 299 km/h.

The guy is totally nuts, but IMO its good viewing.

Latest DVD includes the nurburgring, Paris ring road and lots of daft stuff.

DorsetStrider - 5/2/05 at 02:53 AM

I just hope that when he kills himself he don't take anyone else with him.

marc n - 5/2/05 at 08:56 AM

turbo r1 vid
think i may go turbo r1

[Edited on 5/2/05 by marc n]