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ebays silly season like v8 tree
mangogrooveworkshop - 19/2/05 at 10:30 PM

Started to see stax of these adds and thought people would start ignoring em but the dudes keep sticking them up.
The second is gross and I think ebay will ask him to withdraw it.

flak monkey - 20/2/05 at 11:23 AM

What was the second one?...its been withdrawn by ebay


donut - 20/2/05 at 12:08 PM

Yeah i missed it too What was it?

Snuggs - 20/2/05 at 12:17 PM

For those who missed it.
The second item was a used condom

clbarclay - 20/2/05 at 01:55 PM

One carful male owner.

chris.russell - 20/2/05 at 02:47 PM

on the teabag item it has the sellers full address right at the bottom of the page, shall we go and give him a slap for being so silly?

Hellfire - 22/2/05 at 01:12 AM

or congratulate him for being, well... so silly!