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Name the three coolest looking aircraft..
thekafer - 17/5/05 at 01:48 AM

O.K. its a slow night....and a lame topic, but you'd be suprised how consistant the top three are..My faves in order
1.Avro Vulcan (real 50's spaceship look)
2.xb-70 Valkyrie(speeling?)


scotty g - 17/5/05 at 06:26 AM

Concorde should be up there somewhere. Did you know that a concorde can travel faster than a bullet from a gun, which is why they never made a military version, cos if it opened fire it would shoot itself down!!!!!!!!!!

Nightkid - 17/5/05 at 07:30 AM

dunno why but i quite like the look of the mig-29

indykid - 17/5/05 at 08:01 AM

Originally posted by scotty g
Concorde should be up there somewhere. Did you know that a concorde can travel faster than a bullet from a gun, which is why they never made a military version, cos if it opened fire it would shoot itself down!!!!!!!!!!

lol. the inaccuracy of the physics makes me laugh, but not nearly as much as the thought of a concorde in camo.

night shifts suck. time for bed methinks

i'd definitely put the lockheed sr71 at the top of my off the top of my head list though

[Edited on 17/5/05 by indykid]

omega 24 v6 - 17/5/05 at 11:23 AM

Jaguar fighter WOW

donut - 17/5/05 at 11:25 AM

1: P51D Mustang

2: Spitfire Mk14/19

3: Mig 3

I could go on and on and on and.........

[Edited on 18/5/05 by donut]

craig1410 - 17/5/05 at 11:50 AM

1. SR71A Blackbird
2. XB70 Valkyrie
3. F15 Eagle

Other notable mentions are: BAe Lightning, A10 Thunderbolt, F4 Phantom and Concorde.


DaveFJ - 17/5/05 at 11:54 AM

lots of competition but:

1, F16

2, DC3 Dakota

3, Spitfire

bob - 17/5/05 at 12:40 PM

i'm with the above,dave you took the pictures right out of my head.

I do think the harrier looks cool in action though

marcyboy - 17/5/05 at 12:56 PM


clbarclay - 17/5/05 at 12:57 PM

Originally posted by scotty g
Concorde should be up there somewhere. Did you know that a concorde can travel faster than a bullet from a gun, which is why they never made a military version, cos if it opened fire it would shoot itself down!!!!!!!!!!

Concorsds fast but SR-71 is seriously fast. Only once has one been shoot at with a missile and the SR-71 promptly out run the missile.

[Edited on 17/5/05 by clbarclay]

drmike54 - 17/5/05 at 02:49 PM

XB 70

SR 71

X 15

Cita - 17/5/05 at 03:51 PM

Wright Flyer
Gloster Meteor
Bede 5 (jet version)

pbura - 17/5/05 at 03:53 PM

So many great planes...

Lockheed Constellation came to mind as a cool old plane:

theconrodkid - 17/5/05 at 05:26 PM

mosquito in first,dc3 second and the p38?lightning third.
spoke to an old boy at the mosquito museum,turns out he flew them in the war,i asked "how they went"his eyes glazed up a bit and said"imagine an 18 tear old kid with 2 mins to live being given the keys to the fastest sports car in the world.
fastest plane in the air till them orible jet things came along

clbarclay - 17/5/05 at 05:56 PM

In no particular order

Sukhoi SU-27m
They look excellent when showing off dog fighting Manoeuvres america jets can only dream of.

Lockheed C130 specter
Take a normal C130 and hang an assortment of wepons out of one side including a howitzer and gatling guns.
Pictured below.

English Electric Lightning
Take 2 hand size jet engines and build a plane around them.

[Edited on 17/5/05 by clbarclay] Rescued attachment c130 specter.jpg
Rescued attachment c130 specter.jpg

Russ-Turner - 17/5/05 at 06:28 PM

" Yo, Ice Man...WOW.....ALRIGHT!!" (etc)

jonbeedle - 17/5/05 at 09:45 PM

Spitfire. No competition. No argument. End of discussion!

Simon - 17/5/05 at 09:56 PM

Bristol Boxkite
DH Vampire
DH Tiger Moth
Wright Flyer?



the JoKeR - 17/5/05 at 10:34 PM

In no particular order:


Fokker Tri-plane

F4U Corsair

Also in the running:
Sopwith Pup

carcentric - 18/5/05 at 02:29 AM

I agree with the SR-71 and add these:

F-15 Strike Eagle

Rutan's Long EZ

PHULL - 18/5/05 at 03:37 AM

1. A10 Warthog
2. SR 71
3. P51

DorsetStrider - 18/5/05 at 09:37 AM

1) The Blackbird Spy Plane
2) F16 Falcon
3) The Eurofighter.......assuming it is ever finished

scotty g - 18/5/05 at 03:05 PM

I have always been impressed with the Caspian Sea Monster for the sheer scale and ingenuity of the thing, not the prettiest craft in the world though!!!
There is something about all the "wing in ground effect" craft that i like. A kit version would be cool. Hell of a way to pop over to France for the duty free's on a calm day.

donut - 18/5/05 at 06:56 PM

Don't forget this awesome DH Comet...

[Edited on 18/5/05 by donut]

andkilde - 18/5/05 at 07:03 PM

Avro Arrow (politicians of the day should be lined up and chain-gunned)


clbarclay - 18/5/05 at 11:03 PM

The B2 Spirit is another jaw droping aircraft. If you can see it coming that is. Rescued attachment B2_spirit.jpg
Rescued attachment B2_spirit.jpg

chunkielad - 18/5/05 at 11:48 PM


the JoKeR - 19/5/05 at 02:29 AM

A late addition to my extended list of favorites - can't forget the GeeBee:

donut - 19/5/05 at 06:33 AM




ned - 19/5/05 at 09:05 AM


and the jury is still out on the last, but harrier is a strong contender (i use to live near dunsfold aerodrome where topgear is now filmed where they used to make them, they flew over the fields behind our house when out on their test runs )


ayoungman - 19/5/05 at 11:38 AM

My vote is on the Lightning and the Tornado GR1

here is a picture of my brother about to go and make Saddamn have another bad day !!!!

therefore I'm probably a bit biased [pg=]

scutter - 19/5/05 at 11:50 AM


Image deleted by owner

It's got my name on the side


Image deleted by owner

It's got my name on the side


Image deleted by owner

Not got my name on the side, but great fun to work on.

Bias me

Atb Dan.

ned - 19/5/05 at 01:40 PM

and it's ability to do this is just undescribably amazing, always leaves shivers down my spine whener i see it happening, does use a lot of fuel though

[Edited on 19/5/05 by ned]

Findlay234 - 19/5/05 at 06:30 PM

Number 1 for me would have to be the Sukhoi Su35. possibly the best handling jet fighter in the world.

Its a variant on the su27 mentioned earlier.

[Edited on 19/5/05 by Findlay234] Rescued attachment su35.jpg
Rescued attachment su35.jpg

Findlay234 - 19/5/05 at 06:32 PM

again Rescued attachment su-35.jpg
Rescued attachment su-35.jpg

Simon - 19/5/05 at 08:07 PM

Oh yeah,

Moller Skycar



scutter - 19/5/05 at 09:07 PM


Number 1 for me would have to be the Sukhoi Su35. possibly the best handling jet fighter in the world.

Not any more Fin.

Image deleted by owner


bob - 19/5/05 at 09:13 PM

Shame we didnt finish the TSR2 as that might have got a few votes.

andylancaster3000 - 19/5/05 at 10:24 PM

My three are:

Lancaster Bomber (i'm a little biased on that one though)

Joint Strike fighter, when it appears

Tornado, especially the GR4, for just being the most useful fighter/aircraft/reconnaissance plane ever!


Browser - 20/5/05 at 05:31 PM

As mentioned before the North American XB70 Valkyrie.


Rockwell B1 Lancer

But the mummy of them all must be Speedbird:

[Edited on 20/5/05 by Browser]

Lawnmower - 21/5/05 at 10:46 PM

Name the three coolest looking aircraft..
Stickking to aeroplanes:
1.Spitfire - just gorgeous
2.Lancaster Bomber - Guns Galore
3. Harrier

Other cool aircraft:
3.Hot air Balloon


But the all time undisputable king of the sky has got to be....

1.The Space shuttle!

Jonr - 23/5/05 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by andkilde
Avro Arrow (politicians of the day should be lined up and chain-gunned)


Funny, I lived in Canada for a while and you guys are still sore at defenbaker for cancelling the arrow!! What is it 40 years ago? Don't get me wrong, it's heartening to see such national pride.

Spyderman - 24/5/05 at 05:26 PM

Personal favourites are;

1. Spitfire mk V

2. Bristol Beaufighter

3. De Haviland Comet - The 1st jet airliner

Plus De Haviland Mosquito, P51 Mustang, Hawker Hurricane, Jaguar and Tornado.

If no images appear see photo archive.

[Edited on 24/5/05 by Spyderman]

Staple balls - 25/5/05 at 04:32 AM

ooh, a fun one.

1) A10 (if only for the cannon)

2) Grumman X-29

3) Douglas X-36

andkilde - 25/5/05 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Jonr

Funny, I lived in Canada for a while and you guys are still sore at defenbaker for cancelling the arrow!! What is it 40 years ago? Don't get me wrong, it's heartening to see such national pride.

Problem with Dief was he was a wuss and he let the Yanks push him around.

The decision to scuttle the project bankrupted Avro, scattered the huge team of scientists and engineers across the globe and effectively turned Canada from a minor world power into a lapdog militarily and industrially. In terms of technical innovation we may as well be the 52nd state.

The Arrow was 20+ years better than anything else flying, we would have sold it globally (as to be perfectly honest -- we had limited need for it ourselves) and built a huge aerospace inustry around it.

Cheers, Ted

Metal Hippy - 26/5/05 at 03:26 AM

Pfalz D.III

Messerschmitt Bf-109

Heinkel He-111

[Edited on 26/5/05 by Metal Hippy]

Peteff - 26/5/05 at 09:03 AM

Stuka Rescued attachment stuka.jpg
Rescued attachment stuka.jpg

Metal Hippy - 26/5/05 at 10:35 AM

I thought about the Stuka, but I prefer the other 3...

colibriman - 27/5/05 at 10:57 AM

my 3 are.........

spitfire mark 9


and.......wait for it.......

the brugger colibri


oh heck..image didnt work..try a link.
brugger colibri

[Edited on 27/5/05 by colibriman]