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Englishman, Irishman and a Scotsman.
Russ-Turner - 13/10/05 at 04:43 PM

...all sitting in a bar in Manchester thinking about how great it is 'back home'.
The Englishman pipes up, "This pub's crap" he says. "I know a pub in London where you buy one pint and you get one free! What do you think about that then?!"

"That's nothing!" says the Scotsman. "I know a wee pub in Glasgow where you can buy one pint and they give you two for free! What do you think about that then?!"

"Ah, that's nothing so it is." chirps the Irishman. " I know a pub in Dublin where you can eat for free, drink all night for free and then go upstairs and have sex all night for free!"

"You're winding me up Paddy!" yells the bemused Scotsman. " Have you ever been to this pub?" He asks.

Paddy replies "No but my sister has."