How many times did she say it!! OH MY GOD
Who is Chantelle ?
I had to do a Google search.
The girl he's just been to bed with? Or is she on big brother? wouldn't know as I haven't been watching it
the only bit of BB i saw was when channel (or should i say chantelle) hopping. I watched for 15 seconds a black and white shot of five people sleeping
in beds, with the bed closest to the camera covered in clothes and other junk. Im pretty sure I saw one of the housemates move slightly, but i couldnt
sware to it.
It was gripping stuff - so much so i couldnt stand the suspense and turned over to the paint drying channel
Saw about 10seconds of it repeated on daytime tv , would Chantelle be the he/she?
she's gorgeous
"Chantelle Chantelle does your Fanny smell" Pete Burns.
Originally posted by rusty nuts
Saw about 10seconds of it repeated on daytime tv , would Chantelle be the he/she?
she was a minor celeb - she had been on as a 'soccerette' on Sky TV's sat morning footie prog a few months back
I am losing the will to live.
dont worry - the series will be back later in the year. hang on in there