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another room
325dude - 31/1/06 at 06:41 PM yes yes another stuck in the room havent a clue!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?..........j

Peteff - 31/1/06 at 08:58 PM

Type crimson room walkthrough into Google

Browser - 31/1/06 at 10:49 PM

Got nearly all the way but have put the number in the safe only to be told "that number's not right". Oi tink it ferked!

iank - 31/1/06 at 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Browser
Got nearly all the way but have put the number in the safe only to be told "that number's not right". Oi tink it ferked!

If you're using the number in the walkthrough it's wrong (well probably just old). Type the url on the memo into your web browser to get a fresh one.

not far to go...

DarrenW - 1/2/06 at 10:27 AM

I typed URL in, got the code but had to start the room all over again!

What is the film all about, i press what looks like a cross but it just goes back to the room.


DarrenW - 1/2/06 at 10:33 AM

Ah ha, done it. Bit of a bugger that one. First ive ever tried. Well tricky.

iank - 1/2/06 at 10:36 AM

Need to wait for the film to finish before you click where the cross was 3 times. Need to be accurate as well so get the mouse pointer in position.

Yes, I forgot to open another tab/window to get the code from the web and had to start all over again, very irritating

Not as good as the last one posted since it relies almost completely on random clicking to find objects but then they are then obvious in what they should be used for.