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48 cylinder motorbike!!
donut - 3/2/06 at 09:55 AM

Not sure if this has been posted before but what the heck!:

iank - 3/2/06 at 10:17 AM

Originally posted by donut
Not sure if this has been posted before but what the heck!:

from the 'because I can' files. Exhaust seems a little restrictive.

Peteff - 3/2/06 at 10:42 AM

You can't reach the handlebars from the seat

donut - 3/2/06 at 11:54 AM

Even if you could you would certainly burn your knees!!

Spyderman - 3/2/06 at 01:31 PM

I wonder how far it would go before emptying the fuel tank!

iank - 3/2/06 at 01:40 PM

1/4 mile?

donut - 3/2/06 at 02:16 PM

At least you could do a 1/4 mile drag time...not much else though

iank - 3/2/06 at 03:43 PM

Originally posted by donut
At least you could do a 1/4 mile drag time...not much else though

Wish I'd thought of that
Seriously what else would it be good for?

Deckman001 - 3/2/06 at 04:38 PM

It didn't show anyone actualy riding it ??? would have been fun watching them try !!


Peteff - 3/2/06 at 06:24 PM

You steer and do the clutch, I'll work the gears and back brake.

donut - 3/2/06 at 06:39 PM

Now that would be funny

Simon - 3/2/06 at 08:48 PM

I've seen that guy's stuff before - but can't remember his name.

Very clever, and innovative, does it mostly with a hacksaw (and a mate with more accurate equipment when required)



steve_gus - 4/2/06 at 01:32 AM

yes, its been up before.

This is what one should look like. I spent most of last year reonovating one. (this isnt my actual bike).

I havnt watched the vid , but thats probably rick brett, who runs the classic kawasaki club and has abput 40+ triples of his own.

as a 2 stroke needs a very tuned exhaust system to work properly, thats likely decidedly crap.

a 3 pot motor does 40mpg or so, so thats gonna do less than 3 even if you could ride it!


steve Rescued attachment KH250.JPG
Rescued attachment KH250.JPG

bob - 4/2/06 at 09:50 AM

Ahh the old KH250 memories are flooding back

donut - 4/2/06 at 10:00 AM

I didn't know you were a biker Bob?!?!

We will have to call you Biker Bob!

bob - 4/2/06 at 11:44 AM

My father barred me from owning a larger that moped bike but this was good in hindsight as i nearly killed myself on a puch maxi coming down zig zag road at Box Hill.

I did have plenty of friends who had 250's pre the licence change.....and i managed to fall off them too

UncleFista - 4/2/06 at 01:18 PM

If that's based on the KH250, I reckon no more than 30 of those cylinders are sparking

steve_gus - 4/2/06 at 03:03 PM

i have done a bit more than 300 miles at less than 60 mph on mine since a TOTAL engine rebuild.

From previous experience when I was 18, i found that if you kept the bike below 4k for too long, plugs did oil up. In fact there is a neat little holder under the seat for an extra set

So, cure is

1. ride it harder

2. use a 'hotter' grade plug (b8hs instead of b9hs) - but dont ride it too hard or summat will melt

ive had no oiled plugs pussyfooting at 3,500 or so during the first 100 miles running in



bob - 4/2/06 at 03:09 PM

Did they make a bigger engine version on the KH triple ?

I remember the sound which is why i think most people purchased them,only to be dissapointed at the top end speed.

They took off well though

Spyderman - 4/2/06 at 03:18 PM

Originally posted by bob
Did they make a bigger engine version on the KH triple ?

They took off well though

There was a KH400 I think, not sure if there was a 550 or if I'm getting mixed up with the Suzuki triples.
In their time they were very rapid machines, but just very, very greedy on the fuel when used as they were supposed to.


marcyboy - 4/2/06 at 03:20 PM

the ole puch maxi
i remember the old bash hat you had
if only i had a picture on my pc for comedy value or even better still a video of you starting it via a bit frantic pedalling

bob - 4/2/06 at 04:10 PM

Or even a picture of that famous old bike. Rescued attachment puch-maxi-69-bikepics-443668.jpg
Rescued attachment puch-maxi-69-bikepics-443668.jpg

marcyboy - 4/2/06 at 05:51 PM


looks as if it got your old model aeroplane engine in it

donut - 4/2/06 at 08:41 PM

I can't quite imagine you on that thing Bob

steve_gus - 4/2/06 at 09:16 PM

at the time the KH250 was made, it had 3 rivals.

The Honda CB250 would do about 85mph but good economy. not much of a performer tho.

The Suzuki GT250 did ninety something.

The RD250 supposedly did about a hundred.

The KH250 was a sanitised version of what came before - the 's1'. This is the bike that most people think of as the screamer 250. The later KH250, that i bought and have now, was purchased by me cos it looked so much better (about the first bike at the time that had integrated tank/seat/tail styling) and it was attractive technically. It had three of everything - carbs, cylinders, exhaust, and has a really unusual 'unbalanced' exhaust note. And it looked great.

It had a bigger brother - the KH400 - which was essentially the same bike - all that changed was badges and the cylinder and exhausts. the engine bottome end and gearing was the same. Earlier version was the s3.

there was a little bought bike called the s2. this was a 44hp 350 that was mad to ride. Not as mad as the H1 500 or the H2 750. The H1 continued as the KH500. These bikes were total beasts and took many riders to their end. the handling was crap, and they had a massive power surge at 6k. You could be in a wobbly bend, and the bike would hit 6k, and you would hit something else.

Most of these bikes are slow by mondern standard.

my kh does 90 and about 9 secs to 60.

the 400 did about 6 secs and 105.

the 500/700 about 4.5 ish and 115 or so,



[Edited on 4/2/06 by steve_gus]