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No standing at any time!
clbarclay - 4/2/06 at 12:37 AM

As the sign says or else beware the hooded stranger. Rescued attachment No standing.JPG
Rescued attachment No standing.JPG

SALAD - 4/2/06 at 12:41 AM

We have a rebel amongst us people!!

stevebubs - 4/2/06 at 01:55 AM

A constipated one by the look of it

donut - 4/2/06 at 10:03 AM

I wonder why he has his hands in his pockets? Maybe thats why he looks in so much pain

clbarclay - 5/2/06 at 12:25 AM

Hi ya'll

Can you tell which one is the locost builder and which one is paying for it?

Can you tell which one had just had four pints in the local pub? Don't ask which pub or which beer, I only know it was New Year and in N. Devon.

PS If I wear my yellow jacket and a locost T-shirt I may be recognisable at Gaydon in March.

Back on the farm (agricultural, not funny) the chassis is nearly ready for a trip to the local powder coaters (£220 inc. shot-blasting and wishbones).

clb is now at Harper Adams during term time and indulging in 4WD off-roading in MY !! Range Rover. Has anyone got a set of chassis plans for a 4WD Locost with about 2ft ground clearance? Or else I might go long distance trialling in a 1300 locost when it's finished.

Just an occasional post from HWPTB, (aka Chris' Dad). (he who pays the bill, to save you asking). It's fair really as I haven't paid him any wages for about two years. Mind you he never seems to work more than about 60 or 70 hours a week, and still finds time to weld up a chassis.

[Edited on 5/2/06 by clbarclay]

[Edited on 5/2/06 by clbarclay]