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cita2 - 8/3/06 at 08:26 PM

A five year old and his grandfather are sitting on the front porch together when grandpa opens a beer and takes a sip.
the five year old asks:Grandpa can I have a beer?
Grandpa replies:can your willy touch your ass?
"No" says the little boy,"than you're not man enough to have a beer!!
A little later Grandpa lights up a cigar and the 5 year old asks:Grandpa can I have a cigar?
"Can your willy touch your ass?"
"No Grandpa, it cant"
"Than you're not man enough to have a cigar !"

A little later the boy comes out of the house with some cookies and Grandpa asked:"can I have some cookies?"
The little one ask:"can your willy touch your ass?"
"Sure as hell it can" replies Grandpa !!
Than go f"#k yourself cause Grandma made these cookies for me !!!

donut - 9/3/06 at 09:11 AM

Ahhhhhh cute!