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Spoof Honda Ad.
skidude88 - 21/4/06 at 01:05 PM

A re-make of that annoying, seemingly endless, new Honda Advert.....

graememk - 22/4/06 at 09:02 AM

made me smile

omega0684 - 22/4/06 at 07:50 PM

i prefer that to the original, lets get a partition going to get it broadcasted!

DIY Si - 23/4/06 at 12:26 AM


lets get a partition going

What, a weak internal wall to post our ideas upon?

Russ-Turner - 23/4/06 at 07:23 PM

I've got some plasterboard knocking about if that's any help.

Peteff - 23/4/06 at 10:23 PM

I've got some 3"x2" to nail it to. I'll start a petition to get the partition built if anyone wants to sign it.

omega0684 - 23/4/06 at 10:54 PM

oops, my bad! petition, ok pete, here is my signiture.....

sign: Chalkdust

[Edited on 23/4/06 by omega0684]

indykid - 24/4/06 at 06:14 PM

i thought the original was pretty good, but that's amazing.

the buckets on the head bit cracked me up!
