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what percentage of you is chav!
mangogrooveworkshop - 30/6/06 at 08:09 PM

i got this message about a quiz to see what percentage of you is chav!

read on..... you had to put a cross next to the choices to work out your percentage...

"[ ] You own a pair or nike, or any other sporting trainers.
[ ] You own a chav hoody e.g. Nike, Echo etc...
[ ] You hate people who listen to any form of rock music.
[ ] You support Man u
[ ] You've gone to a club before.
[ ] You absolutely despise emo's
[ ] You say the word brap/blod or any other form of gay word.
[ ] You wear a chavy ring or necklace
[ ] You hang outside Mcdonald's
[ ] Your an absolute batty.

Total: 0

[ ] You always wear a hat of the chav nature.
[ ] You've shop lifted before.
[ ] You've got nicked or done for it.
[ ] You/'ve smoke(d) anything.
[ ] You get drunk often because you think your cool.
[ ] You think failing your GCSE's is cool.
[ ] You watch MTV base or KISS or any of that bollocks.
[ ] You listen to any of these stations on the radio (if you can afford one)
[ ] You listen to eminem or snoop dogg.
[ ] You have aids.

Total: 0

[ ] You have myspace but you've chaved it up and made it a joke.
[ ] You shave your eyebrows which looks like a trains just run through them.
[ ] You buy ps2 games like 50 cent bulletproof.
[ ] You think your a gangster.
[ ] YoU WrItE LiKe ThIs.
[ ] You try to beat box but fail in doing so.
[ ] You go fishing a lot but you actually smoke drugs.
[ ] You wear your socks over your trousers.
[ ] All you ever think about is getting laid.
[ ] You get bad grades.

Total: o

[ ] If you own a car... you've kitted it up
[ ] You play the music in your car really loud with a lot of bass.
[ ] You bunk lessons often.
[ ] You have no job,
[ ] Your chav girlfriend is pregnant with your baby.
[ ] You walk like a gay. You usually tend to bob up and down thinking you cool.
[ ] Your trousers are baggy which make you look obese.
[ ] You cut your hair every 5 seconds because you noticed it grew.
[ ] You attempt to rap but just mumble jumble.
[ ] You shag whatever moves.

Total: 0

[ ] You carry a knife around.
[ ] You carry a bb gun around.
[ ] You want to be a famous rapper/hip hop whatever person.
[ ] You wear the same underwear everyday.
[ ] You buy air force one trainers.
[ ] You happy slap people a lot.
[ ] You've failed a few times on your driving test because you didn't realise you were taking the test.
[ ] You think your cool by talking like Gangster (your actually gay).
[ ] You always start fights.
[ ] You buy fake clothing because you can't afford the real ones e.g a 'Scott' hoody which is meant to be a 'schott' one.

Total: 0

although.. this is a bit stereotypical.

Add up your totals and multiply it by two. The number you get if you can work it out is your percentage of how chav you really are. If you get above 50% i suggest maybe you go into a rehab centre"

DIY Si - 30/6/06 at 08:19 PM

Ar$e. 4% chav. Used to go clubbing when I was young (15/16), and gave up smoking last year. So probably 3% really.

JoelP - 30/6/06 at 09:14 PM


the socks over tracksuit should automatically be +75%

omega0684 - 1/7/06 at 12:28 AM

i have a hoody and adidas trainers but i only wear them to the gym