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how low
graememk - 16/8/06 at 07:58 AM

low flying

David Jenkins - 16/8/06 at 11:12 AM

Amazing - and they're noisy beasts as well, so I bet their ears were ringing for a while!


I also like this one!

[Edited on 16/8/06 by David Jenkins]

iank - 16/8/06 at 12:16 PM

The red bull competition guys alway put on a good show as well.

Findlay234 - 16/8/06 at 12:22 PM

low jag...

David Jenkins - 16/8/06 at 12:26 PM

That Jag's a harrier, isn't it?

Findlay234 - 16/8/06 at 12:30 PM

and some huge huge balls....

Findlay234 - 16/8/06 at 12:31 PM

no pretty sure its a jag... to long and slender to be a harrier.

David Jenkins - 16/8/06 at 12:38 PM

It was the dirty great round air intakes that made me think it was a Harrier...

(I'm starting to sound like a sad anorak...)

Findlay234 - 16/8/06 at 02:09 PM

are you talking about my attachment or the first one in the thread cus mines def a jag and his is def a harrier.

[Edited on 16/8/06 by Findlay234]

David Jenkins - 16/8/06 at 02:30 PM

To be perfectly honest... I'm not THAT bothered!

coozer - 16/8/06 at 08:25 PM

Off to sunny Spain two weeks ago the 29th. Held up by two F22 fighters there for the Sunderland airshow. Split to Teeside airport where they and others (the red bull plane too) were based.

Returning from the display on the beach they buzzed the terminal building with afterburners on. Everybody shook to bits and deaf. Round agin, no afterburners and filled the checkin with kerasine fumes, them did a low level pass over the length of the runway about 10 feet up, afterburners on. Presumably making the runway sticky for his landing. The whole shook, stunk and the noise was, well, for me superb!!

Then as we were ready to take off we were further delayed by one taxiing up the srvice road! to the very far end of the runway. Then he shot off down the runway and was airborne in about 50 yards. Then the red arrows came in. In formation of course, peeling off, looping the loop. We sat there for 40 minutes while all this poo was going on. The real airshow must have been fantatasic!!